Concert Review: Glorious Sons Are WWE Wrestlers At MHOW

At MHOW, you would have thought Glorious Sons were a group of rocks’ roll, WWE wrestlers. Lead singer Brett Emmons even did some The Rock eyebrows and John Cena “bring it” motions to the crowd, as if we had foolishly challenged his stance as the greatest rocker. Well, after that performance, we have amended any doubts.

All I kept on thinking, from their songs “White Noise” to “Kill The Lights”, was  of wrestling. From their motions with their instruments to their tenaciousness, Glorious Sons approach the audience and songs like challengers. We had dared to presume they could not step into the ring and beatdown haters. Yet,  they were putting emotions on chokeholds, throwing chairs at melodies, and jumping from the ring’s ropes into drumrolls. The result is a show that brings out your inner fighter; the part of you that doesn’t want to back down from a threat. Instead, it wants to fight.
The Glorious Sons – Everything Is Alright (Official Video)

Listen, I never condone fighting, but I do support self-defense. The difference lies in assessment, intuition, and self-love. Emmons has a voice that makes you want to say, “I got my own back. Thanks!” He sounds like a human railroad; just chugging forward to destinations with a voice that feels like iron and electricity are creating your soul’s movement. Honestly, the man’s voice spews, spits, and dreams like a dragon, and their verses can get very Game of Thrones. Tracks like, “Shotgun” or “Ruby” carried the grit, wisdom, and plot twists you have come to expect from the show/life.
The Glorious Sons – Mama (Official)

If life was smooth sailing, there would be no need for art. Acts like The Glorious Sons remind me of such truths with a performance that sings to the rawness of being a spirit with flesh. Humans are like cosmic energy wrapped in meat, and, though our smallness can be beautiful, The Glorious Sons sing to how frustrating that is. For More Information On Glorious Sons Click Here.