Concert Review: Hnry Flwr Is Compassionately Different

Be different! This is the term we are told as kids, but, as we grow into adults, it is our difference, as person, that is constantly challenged. For a world that wishes to celebrate uniqueness, it is the first thing that is shut out when a person tries to come forward and be bright. Yet, the perks of artistry and music is that you are more likely to fail if you are not different, and Hnry Flwr realized this at Baby’s All Right.
Lately, I have been blessed with seeing artists that are genuinely and openly saying, “This is me! Take it or leave it!” Though, most of us, fear saying that statement, Henry Flwr was proof that you attract more people when you do. Moreover, his tracks like, “Don’t Be Upset,” “Waiting Room,” and “The Mystery Is” made being yourself the key to being compassionate to others, which was a connection I never fully realized. For all you hear, “Love thy neighbor as you love yourself!,” once again, music comes in to hammer a spiritual truth through your mind’s walls. Thus, each lyric connected how the kindness you have for yourself become the kindness you have for your lover, your life, and your world.
Sonically, Hnry Flwr’s music is his personality and continues to allude to the building dynamic of serenity and vivacity I am seeing in music. His melodies feel like iced coffee; simultaneously chill and caffeinated. They bring a twinge of twinkle to psychedelia showing that this genre is not just mindful; it is celestial. Music can truly connect you to your inner god or goddess, and that seems to be Hnry Flwr’s goal. His presence feels like Ziggy Stardust’s calmer, younger brother, Jiggy Galaxypowder, and he is here to tell you how to reach your star and unite it with other’s light. This explains why he holds his guitar or reaches his hand as if his sky is also his audience.
Hnry Flower reminded me of two things that are exciting about seeing rising artists. The first is that they leave you with their potential; you cannot help but wonder at how much promise their future holds as they hone in newer sounds. The next is the eagerness to captivate a crowd. As an artist rises it is easy to make a crowd and even your own artistry feel common and graspable. Yet, Hnry Flwr feels like he is always reaching for the greater beyond of himself and his music. For More Information On Hnry Flwr Click Here.