Concert Review: Hoops Are Back And Shooting Points
It is kind of crazy to go on a hiatus when your band is so buzzed about. Artists can spend YEARS trying to get a little buzz as if gaining traction for your career is the equivalent to drinking a bunch of wine coolers and praying that does “the job.” Yet, from Maggie Rogers to Frank Ocean, something about tasting a little bit of fame can throw you off and make you rethink who you are before everybody starts knowing you. Enter Hoops and their “rebirth” of sorts that began with a show at The Dance.
The Dance is SUCH a weirdly awesome venue because it looks like Dieter from Sprockets will pop out at any time. #SNL Yet, its underground, Berlin night-club feel felt perfect to house a band that is coming back with some seriously good, “bedroom-disco” vibes. Yes, people have a love-hate relationship with the term “bedroom” now shrouding before genres to symbolize how songs either are made in the bedroom or make you want to stay in there for multiple purposes. Yet, I say “bedroom” to describe the intimacy of new music, especially theirs. Introducing new tracks like, “They Say,” Hoops new music is 100% my vibe, and reflected all the times we danced in our room as if we were rehearsing for the next Step Up sequel. Hoops – They Say
There is such a chill, “discoey” frequency to their songs, and they were reveling in it. Their show felt more like a “Welcome Home” party filled with fans that understood memory can last for three years: the time-span of their hiatus. The room was packed with love, silliness, openness, and sounds that could have tossed “Keep Calm” shirts had they come alive, which matches their personality. Yet, it was nice to see such a level of encouragement, and proved it is okay to take your time as an artist, especially when you have Drew Auscherman’s voice. His vocality presses on your soul like you are the play button; etching notes with simplicity, conciseness, and all the feels.
Hoops – “On Top” (Official Video)
I know it may sound strange, but I really like that Hoops took a break. I’m not saying that as a music fan, but as a person that lives for the future. You have to respect a group of people who decide there is no need to steam-roll into what you want when you know you are not ready for it. Hence, their new music lives in that notion; taking your time to go on a few trips before you arrive to a destination. #journeysmatter For More Information On Hoops Click Here.