Concert Review: Jalen N’Gonda Sings For Your First Dance At Rockwood
Seeing Jalen N Gonda at Rockwood Music Hall, I felt like I was being crooned to dance with my first love. From “Don’t You Remember” to “I Need You”, N’Gonda has an “Adele” quality to his sound. For some reason, his melodies twist your mind like string over a finger; making you whirl around the idea that wanting to love someone is a necessity.
Technically, you do not need anyone in this world. Yet, what makes love powerful is that, in wanting someone to love, you realize you do need yourself. You need to grow, be kinder, be wiser, be braver…. be better. Giving to someone shows you what you need to receive from yourself. Through these notions Jalen N’Gonda brings a WHOLE OTHER LEVER to romanticism in music. His lyrics and jittering instrumentals feel as shyly grand as realizing that when you hold someone’s hand it is because your heart holds a love for them that commands touch. #YAS
Jalen N’Gonda – I Need You
As seen in my ONR review, I enjoy meek artists. Maybe, I have an inner Bible passage swirling through my head, but the way N’Gonda sings about love is so humble, you would think he bows to her before he gets up on stage. That is not to say he is not fun or friendly. As smiles and quips, this artist was MADE for Motown Soul. Tracks like “‘I Guess That Makes Me A Loser” or “Holler”, remind of the times when “jukebox” and “jiving” were common lingos, and asking a gal to the drive-in theater was a cool date option. Heck, N’ Gonda even holds and glides with his guitar as if Chuck Berry choreographed him, and gave him a stack of demos to make “the hop bop.”Yet, as in a lot of artists going retro for their sound, N’Gonda has found a hidden key to success: longevity.
From Leon Bridges to even Bruno Mars, having a throwback sound that echoes to Motown heydays gives you the opportunity to have a long career. Why? Because they are “old” genres that technically do not get old. Everyone whips out a Diana Ross or Marvin Gaye track, and in appearing as if he belongs to their era, Jalen N’Gonda matches youthfulness with their legend; reviving old world fascinations with his freshness. Add on that he can doo-wop his range from falsettos to a billowing tenor, and Jalen N’Gonda will ALWAYS fill out a concert. His capacity to drive, belt, and power up his notes with spirit, and then takes us back in time…. makes him unstoppably watchable . For More Information On Jalen N’Gonda Click Here.