Concert Review: Kasabian Teach Us How To Be In Love With A Psycho At Terminal 5
We all have darkness within us. Of course, some way more than others, but rock n’ roll is about the battle to decide how our darkness moves within us and even, at times, for us. If I learned one thing from Kasabian’s epic Terminal 5 show, its that people LOVE Rock N’ Roll that asks them not to fight their edgier urges, but to let that wildness be released.
Kasabian – Ill Ray (The King) [Official Video]
I have to say if I loved Kasabian before, their concert made me ADORE them. Playing off their newest album, For Crying Out Loud, Brits were there in brazened presence. So many cheering and saying “Oy, my f**king pints!”, as their beers spilled in applause for Tom Meighan; i.e. the man with the most perfect pitch and beautiful, skeleton leather jacket I have ever seen. He is a literal star in how he encompasses and maneuvers through every tool that makes a crowd love you. He applauds to the audience after every song, as if they were the ones ripping their hearts out through tracks “Bumblebee”, “Stevie”, and “Underdog”. Of course, the crowd ate up his grateful attention because, frankly, we all wish we could rock like Kasabian. Their music played like a monster truck riding through the dirty, grains of our minds. They emboldened every moment when we wanted to say to a boss or bully, “Screw YOU!”. Moreover, they knew that. Kasabian fully understands what their crowd wants. When Tom Meighan cheered “NEW YORK YOU ARE A F**KING EMPIRE!” The audience went wilder than Yankees Stadium during a World Series. People were alive, and the way they sang to songs “Comeback Kid” and “You’re In Love With A Psycho” made me literally wonder if I was surrounded by an audience of psychos waiting to make a romantic comeback. The way they sang every Kasabian song as if it spoke to their life and their struggles to be good people, even when they want to be bad, reminded me that with each band comes a family of fans.
Kasabian – You’re In Love With a Psycho (Official Video)
You see it all the time: the Lovatics, the Beliebers, the One Directioners. Groups of fans that become family because they connect on a deeper level with the music or with the fact that someone feels as connected as you to something beyond themselves. As I looked around and watched smiles and pure investment into the moment, I wanted to see Kasabian again and again just for the crowd alone. Their music is rich with chords and disco flavor that had back-up vocalist and guitarist Sergio Pizzorno flexing his moves. Overall, Kasabian and their crowd of Kasabianites offered one of the FUNNEST concerts I have had the pleasure to enjoy. Sometimes, you really do need a good beer, a good crowd, and some rock n’ roll. For More Information On Kasabian Click Here.
Kasabian – eez-eh