Concert Review: lovelytheband were Love Itself At Irving Plaza

I remember seeing lovelytheband, awhile back, and the crowd was not so filled for their show. They played on and impressed the few there, early, for the headliner. Now, they sold out Irving Plaza, and proved time makes you the star you always knew you were.  

Confetti cannons, a guitar that said “love me,” and enough energy to light up a city beyond its power grid, lovelytheband’s show felt like a non-stop extravaganza for the eyes. Mitchy Collins, Jordan Greenwald, and Sam Price played with passion and gratitude. It was as if they fully recognized there is no moment like the present and felt it their duty to provide epic sounds for a crowd that knew their words. The verses from “finding it hard to smile,” “make you feel pretty,” “maybe, i’m afraid,” and “broken’ stuck to the crowd like posters with self-affirmations on them. 

lovelytheband – these are my friends

As the audience sang along to songs such as, “emotion” and “pity party,” the magic of lovelytheband came in their lyrical capacity to turn pain, hope, and the confusing line that separates them into caption- worthy quotes. They were like the Instagrammed dream of pop; filtering the depth of beauty into something accessible, of which Collins’ voice does. He makes raw, rasped vocality feel mainstream and sugary. Suddenly, singing to your “stupid mistakes” is cool, which, again, is very “Instagrammy.” Yet, there is an anthemic vibe to their music that makes lovelytheband feel like the future of pop-rock because they sound like its past. 

lovelytheband – maybe, i’m afraid (Official Video)

Prior to entering the stage, “Bohemian Rhapsody” and “Sweet Caroline” played, and, later on, they covered The Kills’ Mr Brightside. Once again, the audience sang along, and lovelytheband delivered their tracks iconically. They understood that music/ a performance is an opportunity to take the immensity of feeling and transform it into a sonic frequency. I am not kidding when I say they served an electric show, but I am humbled to see that their electricity was fueled by their sheer love of being on stage. For More Information on lovelytheband Click Here.