Concert Review: Lucius Are Vaudevillian Glam At Forest Hills Stadium

When you hear Lucius, on record, their music comes off futuristic like, a duet of singing sisters sending you messages, through your radio, from 3018. That futurism makes their music spark imagination upon listen, but seeing them perform, at Forest Hills Stadium, surprised me with their retro glam. Their concert turns the dial back to when shows were Vaudevillian.

Jess Wolfe and Holly Laessig stand center; singing into a microphone as if they are Etta James recording at Cadillac Records. They plump their lips towards the microphone as if it is delicate, and needs to be seduced in order to produce sound. Their stillness and elegance both draws you in and takes you aback, in part, because of their futuristic nature nuances their retro influences, which are brazenly revealed in concert. Yet, it makes sense if you think, like most, that history repeats itself. Going forward, we are bound to be move and be inspired by what is left back; a theme that recurs in their songs such as, “Tempest” and “Feels Like A Curse.”
Lucius – Turn It Around [Official Video]

Both Wolf and Laessig’s voice feel like two wings set to a butterfly, but yet their verses sing to wanting to fly. While we all have, within us, the capacity to soar, life can hand you a heavy baggage of situation that leave you grounded. Yet, Wolf and Laessig’s vocals are like hands removing all the excess weight stopping your takeoff. They are both necessary and vital for the body of their songs to soar. Moroever, for not being blood relatives, it feels as if their voices were raised and destined to be together, which is another lovely thought their show will inspire. Both sway their bodies in unison; keeping an aura of sophistication that matches perfectly with the glittering dancers behind them.
Lucius – Tempest [Official Video]

While Lucius sang, dancers floated unto the stage as if people can synchronize swim through air. Moreover, their outfits and postures solidified that Lucius are a modernized, vintage duo, with the aesthetics owned by 1950’s dames and 1920’s flappers. Overall, Lucius give a show that, literally, is a class act. They are calm, allowing tracks like, “Madness” and “Something About You” to tap over the audience like the Triplets of Belleville; carrying a fancy warmness that attracts viewers to their harmonious presence. Fore More Information On Lucius Click Here.
Lucius – Go Home [Official Video]