Concert Review: LALI Makes My Womanhood Rise At LPR

What I love most about Lali Esposito’s LPR performance is that it was so POP! This woman WANTS to be a global superstar. She is aiming for Beyonce levels of costuming, production, choreography, and fan obsession. In a world of imbalance, where people either act like they want to be God or treat themselves lower than dirt, LALI is perfectly fine being LALI, and it is fabulous enough for global domination.

MY WOMANHOOD SKYROCKETED WATCHING LALI! The Argentinian actress turned pop diva came to New York to snatch every wig in site. For the day she was here, New York went bald. We could not handle such fabulosity in the form of femininity, which is why my womanhood soared. LALI makes being sensual, confident, and unbelievably gaudy and good-looking things to powerfully embrace. I know what you are thinking; since when have they not been? Well, her show made me think of Amy Schumer’s I FeeL Pretty and why acts, like Beyonce, are so unbreakably dominant; their music makes you feel like it is okay to say you are stunning and wonderful.

Lali – LALIGERA (Official Video)

While I cannot say I would be decked out in a high-fashion, gold and black two-piece, yelling to a crowd to go crazy for my presence, and breaking out into a Micheal Jackson level of choreography any time soon, I can say that LALI made me feel like I could. Could I actually? In my fantasy world……….. YES! Performers like LALI are special because to see their show sparks your imagination of having your own or, at least, embracing your day like it is a Broadway level production of Life. We all deserve to feel like that, whether we are rocking a sexy piece to perform for a packed audience or singing into a hair brush while wearing a pair of sweats we have owned since high-school that clearly has ketchup stains. (I’m not talking about myself. I SWEAR!)

Lali – Somos Amantes (Official Video)

LALI’s show is one of the best you will see not simply because her frisky, pop sound makes me feel like I am Naomi Campbell walking over the runway and some good-looking men. Scratch that! It is exactly because of that and why feel ashamed?! She is so powerful that she makes you feel powerful, and you do not need to look or sing like her to feel that. All you need to do is enjoy the show and you will feel like a glamorous production. WATCH OUT WORLD! LALI’S COMING TO DOMINATE YA! For More Information On LALI Click Here.