Concert Review: Morgxn Shows Bowery Ballroom The Spirit Of Love’s Touch
I have reviewed Morgxn before in the smaller, but still luminescent Baby’s All Right. Yet, coming to a bigger venue like “Bowery Ballroom” is only a call to shine more. With his same sparkling personality and eagerness to spread love across all sexualities, genders, and whatever other social “construct” impedes spiritual ones, Morgxn used his performance to show sex in relationships are a sign of love.
morgxn – xx (visualizer video)
I am not being a “revolutionary” in my previous statement, nor am I saying something new to what I have said before: how we touch each other physically is a sign of how we have touched each other spiritually. From aggression to passion, the body is a vessel for the soul, and how that temple moves, reveals how the spirit is motioning, as well. Morgxn completely picked that up, and drew out more of an emotionality/spirituality to his performance, that he always had, but the bigger venue made it more apparent. Sometimes, more space truly gives the audience more clarity, and Morgxn sang his hits like, “Hardest Pill To Swallow” and “Home” with a deep sentiment that I was able to pick up more. Every song was coming from his heart, and even his more lustful tracks such, “Love You With You Lights On” proved that desiring someone’s body does not have to be objectification; it can be from the reverence and regality of loving your partner. In a world that tussles between its reservations and liberalities with sex, Morgxn’s music helps defines that, ultimately, love is love, and if you are open, you will know it when you see it. That type of nuance gave his show a undercurrent of sweetness that goes beyond the fact that he, himself, is a sweetheart. When you return the romance and genuine human connection to love, both physically or spiritually, you have committed a major feat. With eyes closed and a voice that leaps through high notes like clouds, Morgxn proved to be a strong and symbiotic act with Great Good Fine Ok; a band I previously reviewed for their own penchant for sensual songs and an energy boost of a concert. For More Information On Morgxn Click Here.
morgxn – home (official video)