Concert Review: No Te Va Gustar Turn Sony Hall Into The World Cup

Seeing No Te Va Gustar (NTVG) at Sony Hall, I did not feel like a “member of the press.” I felt like a member of FIFA. The energy was World Cup level, with everybody was acting as if NTVG was Uruguay and Argentina’s soccer teams entering the final rounds of the championship. Yet, the audience’s adrenaline and adoration amplified their love songs potency.

Argentinian and Uruguayan flags were rampant throughout the crowd, with women even going on men’s shoulders to cheer NTVG as if they were making goals more than songs. Yet, the band cherished their love, with each member sentimentally worded the lyrics to tracks like, “El Error,” “Llueve Tranquilo,” and No Hay Dolor. It is clear these men love their work, their fans, and giving a show with how giddily they took the stage. Yet, it was lead singer Emiliano Brancciari that proved joy is integral to a frontman’s mystique.

Happiness is confidence, and Brancciari was happy to stand front and center before an audience that sang his words as if they were his voice. From how he plays his guitar to how he twiddles his fingers and hair, Brancciari sings for how deeply we fall in and out of relationships: swirling his voice has if it is Love’s wine and you are getting drunk from it. He sings for the man that runs miles to his ex’s window and screams, “WHY DID YOU LEAVE, BABY?!” I know that is a melodramatic scene, but passions run high when a man opens his heart. No Te Va Gustar sings for that guy; the one who will scream to every wind how he loves and hurts.

When you think of “fangirling,” you, probably, think of women, but men were fully fangirling over NTVG. Guys were clinking and chugging beer as if life did not go passed that night. Moreover, they were moshing and hugging each other as if someone had told them their first-born had been birthed. It was a marvel to watch, especially because even the DJ and circulating waiters/bartenders were roaming around to sing No Te Va Gustar’s hits and feel their emotional spikes. This is a full band, which causes songs such as, “Memorias Del Olvido,” “Clara,” and “Para Cuando Me Muera” to feel complete. It is as if No Te Va Gustar create their ska-pop/ rock to assure no one can touch them. No need for remakes or remixes because No Te Va Gustar as the originals. For More Information On No Te Va Guitar Click Here.