Concert Review: Peter Bjorn And John Give Light To Darker Days In NY
Peter Bjorn and John had to have given one of their best shows ever, and it came as no surprise to their New York crowd. They ALWAYS sell out when they come, and it is because they have an innate “buddy” qualify to them. Thus, even though they were celebrating the release of a new album, Darker Days, they were unabashedly light and amiable.
Peter Bjorn And John are such happy, goof balls. There is a sweet silliness to them that matched so well with their audience. With the Christmas lights adorning inside Bowery Ballroom, their show felt like a Work Christmas party. All your friends/ co-workers were splashing through spiked egg-nog, laughing at inside jokes, and re-enacting the “Twist and Shout” scene from Animal House, of which Peter literally inspired when he leaped from the stage. This concert was, by far, their most fun, and, ironically, was singing to the moments when you realize you have been cut off from good times for too long.
Peter Bjorn and John – Wrapped Around the Axle (Official Video)
Tracks like “Gut Feeling,” “Living A Dream,” and “Sick And Tired” leapt from the stage for their freshness and current relevancy. For being their eighth album since their 2002 self-titled debut, Darker Days is a record that goes for a common theme amongst young, pop artists: discontent. Yet, this spiritual killjoy has no specific age for its targets. On the contrary, from “Do Si Do,” “In This Town,” and the eternally infectious “Young Folks,” Peter Bjorn and John’s verses sung to feeling too settled in the “lack” of life; the feeling that nothing will ever be a “win” for you or, at least, go your way. This perspective can last a lifetime, but Peter Bjorn and John’s melodies and powdered like sugared hope within their cool-headed, smoothing vocality.
Peter Bjorn and John – Sick and Tired (Official Lyric Video)
I once heard someone say, “It’s not that life get better. You simply get better at life.” I kept on thinking of this quote through Peter Bjorn and John’s setlist. For the Swedish trio, your situations may not change but your reactions can, and, in that sense, you see happiness is truly an insular choice. Darker Days will always come and go, but it is the little moments you say, “I’m going to let myself have a good day,” that remind you life s great. Thus, Peter Bjorn and John gave everyone a really great night! For more information on Peter Bjorn and John Click here.