Concert Review: Phony Ppl Keep It Real With NYC
Phony Ppl are pure charisma; gaining a fandom that approaches them like one would their friendship crew. For fans, Phony Ppl are an entourage of lively sounds and chill personalities. They are too cool to be ignored or left behind. Hence, their music beamed from the Mercury Lounge Stage like a soundtrack of light you could add to your day.
It is hard to place Phony Ppl in a specific genre. While they have every influence, from jazz to Hip Hop, their style is quintessentially smooth. Their songs are effortless splashes of color as if to press play would make the sidewalk light up or turn sky-scrapers into cartoon versions of themselves. In essence, life becomes surreally real through their music, while their sound, by all means, is relaxing. Songs such as, new track “Messin Around,” “Boyfriend,” “Why I Love The Moon,” and “Way Too Far” vaped over the crowd as if lead singer Elbie Thrie’s vocals were the pen, and all you had to do was breathe in and let the influence hit.
Phony Ppl – Cookie Crumble. [Official Visualizer]
Thrie’s vocality has been compared to Bob Marley, and the similarity comes from both star’s straight, but lushly toned delivery. While Thrie may leap to an octave of a higher register, for the most part, he stays within a steady range that rolls with casual cause. It is as if he is inviting you into a “A Day In The Life” of Phony Ppl, of which you will experience a romance, a relationship fight, a house-party, and trippy dream down memory lane all in one night. Honestly, their songs feel like a 90’s film where the twenty-something protagonist and his/her friends swear eternal loyalty and a wild occasion. Hence, the audience was READY to groove and laugh with them like friends, even calling out band members by their first name.Phony Ppl – Either Way. [Official Visualizer]
Phony Ppl are getting BIG, which makes their native New York proud. In recent years, we have had a few New Yorkers become International embarrassments/ disasters, of which it is nice to see a group of guys make exceptional music with great, good-humored personalities. One of the reasons I KNOW Phony Ppl will be big is that they treat their audience with familiarity; making everyone in that room cheer and dance to their music as if it was their own. Such a connection is what builds a fandom. For More Information On Phony Ppl Click Here.