Concert Review: Polo & Pan Are An Event At Brooklyn Steel

A while ago Polo & Pan SOLD OUT Bowery Ballroom, which meant Brooklyn Steel was their new destined feat. Selling out again, the warehouse felt like a magical domain; to cross its steel door was to enter a world where people felt free enough to wear leopard, marching band jacket, and practice their beginner’s French.

With cell phones down, hands were up, rainbow lights were flashing, and Brooklyn Steel become Sailor Moon’s Dream Club. In it, we all glittered as we whirled through air and swore we had anime superpowers. The set revealed the inherent positivism of dancing. We live in a world where some of the best, most empowering things in life can go banned like, dance and music. It is as if we fear feeling so good, and genuinely believe the key to malice is happiness; as if happy people hurt people. Yet, the night felt like an isolated incident; a convention of happy people allowing themselves to be happy, wear weather challenged outfits, and enjoy their friends.

A Polo & Pan show is distinct amongst the DJ events because it feels more friend-oriented than lover aimed. Even Skrillex can be a couple’s goal for EDM-Trap fans, but Polo & Pan summoned people in literal droves. It was as if a group of less than 5 could not get a seat at their fancy, French restaurant of sound. The “restaurant” image is perfect because people moved according to reservations like invisible tables were marked for every band of misfits ready to dance to a music that is both funkadelic and finessed. In essence, there music is like champagne gold, bubbly, and with each song the night felt more expensive. 

Picking a DJ show is about your taste. Like artists, not every DJ will appeal to the mood and moments you are trying to build through your club experience.Yet, seeing Polo & Pan, I realized DJ shows are events for people. Polo & Pan seemed too distinct to be considered a regular concert because the audience reacted to them like they were experiencing a main attraction, and were so openly there for to live in Polo & Pan’s alternate, positively energized reality. For More Information On Polo & Pan Click Here.