Diandra Interviews Mirella Cesa: How Choosing Your Art Is Choosing Positivity
We all try to figure out how to best represent our community, and our clashes occur when certain people believe fear looks and acts like faith. For Mirella Cesa, La Gaviota De Ecuador, positivity is the best way to represent yourself, and the culture/ nation that built you. Through emotional honesty and a constant seeking of love, in colorful fashions and music, she makes Ecuador proud. Yet, more importantly, she takes pride in herself.
Diandra: You have always been known as an emotionally transparent artist. How do you keep clarity when writing such raw music?
Mirella: Basically, I do music from my heart. I don’t do music for commercialism. I do music for humanity in the good times and the bad times. I believe that in that honesty lies the connection, and I can leave in someone a positive message, an imprint, and even pull from them a smile.
Respira – Mirella Cesa + Mr. Pauer
Diandra: And do you feel clearer, as a person, after you write such songs?
Mirella: Of course! Songs like, “Buena Fortune”, “Dejate Llevar,” “La Corriente,” and my most recent song with Mr. Pauer, “Respira” talks about receiving everything around us so quickly (she snaps her fingers). Yet, in reality, we have to stop, breathe, get clear, and then go, When you are about to jump into a pool, you go to the ledge, you get in a position, you focus, and then you jump. The same thing goes for a marathon, you stretch your body, clear your head, and then you run. Breathing helps impulse you to keep your heart going, which is why we called our song “Respira”.
Diandra: What I find interesting about your story, especially in these times where a lot of youth do not find themselves working at or in what they want, is that you graduated university and prepared yourself for a 9 to 5. Yet, then you said, “No!”, and made music your destiny. Was there a specific moment when you knew music was your path?
Mirella Cesa – En Ti (vídeo oficial)
Mirella: Music has always been apart of my life. In the beginning, I was so scared and ashamed to say that I wanted to be an artist because it is such a difficult career. Yet, by age 16, I was already saying in my head, “I have to do this. This fulfills me!” I knew that my voice could alleviate another person the way it alleviates me, and from there I began to take it on more professionally. I joined a chorus, did theater, studied charango, and learned guitar. In the end, it is about being honest with what your are doing with yourself, and, for that reason, I am in music.
Diandra: Now that you are pushing your career into more international waters, what have been your greatest challenges?
Mirella: Understanding that there are different cultures. Every culture has its beautiful qualities, and I have to adapt to them.
Mirella Cesa – La Corriente (video oficial)
Diandra: Speaking of culture, which of Ecuador’s traditions and locations most inspire positivity in you?Mirella: Everything! Every beautiful location: the coast, the sierra, the orient. Every bit of my nation has something distinct to it: distinct accents, legends, manners, foods, landscapes, and a vibration of colors. So, in some ways, growing up in Ecuador, I have already been influenced by and witnessed so many cultures.
For More Information On Mirella Cesa Click Here.