Diandra Interviews Yore: Seeing Your Music, Taking A Chance


There comes a point in your life when you feel, “It is now or never.” The time to get “the love of your life” is now. The time to fix yourself and heal your wounds is now.” The time to chase the dream, you have always wanted, into reality is……NOW! For Yore, 2020 was his now. Having the world shut down gave him an excuse to finally stand up and become the artist he always wanted to be; something you experience in his new self-titled . This record is like walk into an art museum of visual experimentation. In our interview, Yore discusses how he SEES his soundscape and what made him finally transfer it into song.

Diandra: When you see your debut album, what are the visuals that come to mind as you hear the songs?

Yore: I think about the different places I was making the record, almost like each song is a snapshot in time; it takes me back to those specific moments. I like to leave it open to the listener to visualize whatever they deem fit & let the music take their mind wherever they please.

Yore // Bon Mot (feat. Katie Drew)

Diandra: When you think of Callum versus Yore, what it the biggest difference and similarity between both?

Yore: I think of Yore as an extension of myself & yet it’s bigger than just one person because what defines the record/sound are the artists I was fortunate enough to collaborate with. I’m a bit of a control freak so having an openness to work with other people & being pulled in different directions is the main fundamental difference with Yore.

Diandra: If Yore had an origin story, what would it be and what would be its recurring theme?

Yore: ’It was the year 2020 & it took a pandemic for Yore to finally unleash his music to the world in hopes it would provide some solace during these tumultuous times’…modest work (he laughs)…I guess I’d like my music to provide some solace for people, let’s stick with that!
Yore // Shade (feat. Black Gold Buffalo)

Diandra: It took 10 months to create this album, how do you feel you changed within the months, and what is one thing you discovered about yourself and your style?

Yore: I think through working with Syd, and such great artists, I learned a lot about songwriting, collaboration & production – it’s hard to pin point one thing as it feels like such all-rounded growth. It’s just been a very creatively fulfilling venture! I feel like I’ve got a better insight into the role of a producer, I’ve still got a lot I can improve on but through completing this record it’s been reaffirming that I can actually do it & be happy with the results. This album has a distinctive sound which draws influence from a variety of places & I’m proud of how cohesive it feels and the overall flow of the record, however it’s already got me thinking about what I’d like to do next with Yore 🙂

Diandra: If music is reflective of a person’s personality, what are 5 qualities about your personality in your music?

Yore: Adventurous, curious, expressive, imaginative & playful

Yore // Sally Out (feat. Mellah & Nuha Ruby Ra)

Diandra: If your debut was like a book, what would be the core arc or premise? What type of character would you be?

Yore: Exactly like Lord of the Rings, I’d be Frodo (Yore) & the fellowship would be mycollaborators, my mission would be getting the album (the ring) finished & to the pressing plant (Mordor). The Eye of Sauron would be my CPU overloading & Orcs are just intrusive bad ideas…

ME: Brilliant Answer!


Diandra: If you could travel to any place and time, where would you go, why, and who would you take with you?

Yore: I’d travel a thousand years into the future! It’d be interesting to see how we progress & evolve as a species, whether we can make it to a type 1 or 2 civilisation, whether we find other life in the universe and whether people still listen to my record – the big questions you know….. Actually I’ll just bring a copy of my record in case: not a person! (he laughs)

Diandra: If there was a movie you would turn into a concept album, which would it be and why? What perspective would you take?

Yore: Waking Life could be a cool concept album, I’d take the perspective of Wiley Wiggins but I’d be writing songs inspired by each interaction in the film & the philosophical themes raised.

Yore // Open Lights (feat. Milan Monk)

Diandra: Who are you favorite artists and album that you feel their music comes off like a film?

Yore: I love The OOZ by King Krule, I think it’d be the perfect soundtrack to a London or NYC based film – something with a film noir or art house aesthetic…delinquent city living.

Diandra: What is your favorite childhood memory with music?

Yore: I was a huge Blur fan when I was younger (still am), The Great Escape was the first album I actually bought! I remember going on holiday to Bournemouth, when I was like 7, and there was a karaoke night at the hotel, I asked my dad to request Song 2 by Blur and the host reluctantly obliged. They didn’t have the backing track so I just went up and starting shouting ‘woohoo, woohoo’…everyone was very confused…

Yore // Hawing (feat. Rakel Mjöll)

Diandra: Entering a new year, how do you feel 2020 made you re-evaluate yourself as a person/ artist, and what do you hope that re-evaluation brings to you in 2021?

Yore: It’s important to appreciate your journey but also take note of the things you’d still like to achieve so you can regain focus. I feel grateful I was able to make this record, and all the things I learnt along the way, it’s a foundation to build upon. Creative fulfillment makes me happy; so I’m hoping to continue pursuing that and just keep challenging myself! I don’t want to get stuck in a formula so I’m looking to explore & experiment with different sonic palettes.

If you could attribute an emotion or mood to each track off the album, which one would you put?

Yore: Nostalgic

Diandra: What is one rule or mantra, you abide by as a creative that you think also applies as a person?

Yore: Serve the song! Which I think can translate to doing something for the greater good?!

For more information on Yore Click Here.