Diandra Reviews It All Exclusive: D’arcy Gives You 3 Reasons To Crush

When it comes to D’arcy, her music is all about embracing the part of us we swear is dark. No, not the part of us that thinks we have to snort a ton of coke, join a stripper cult, and throw ourselves off a bridge with no parachute “dark-side.” (Note: I have never met anyone with that dark-side, but now I a, fascinated by them). D’arcy aims to evaporate that part of us we conclude is light because it tames us; the part that says don’t dance so hard or at all, don’t go for your dreams and stay “responsible,” or don’t go for your crush because they might reject you. The latter is the basis of her new EP,  Crush, exclusively streaming, HERE.

It is absolutely clear that D’arcy embodies a rocker spirit. Her sound is that of someone who is raucously in love, which is what synchronizes all three versions. Sometimes, love, especially a crush, makes us want to bash through the room where that person is to scream how much we love them until everyone, but especially them, realizes it. How exciting and terrifying is that? You want someone to know so badly how you like them but feel like death at the idea of them finding out and saying no…. so you keep quiet. In essence, she lyrically captures our felt dilemma: we either crush or be crushed. 

The great apart about this EP is that it proves three different backdrops really do change the meaning of a song. The Bubblegum version feels like you are Mollly Ringwald ready to fall in love, and are zooming through 80s’ parties until she can kiss them by the end of the night. Then, there is the Airhead version, which feels very airy. It is a slower, simpler pace that completely captures how having a crush can make you feel like you are floating through air after being hit by an emotional truck. Last, but not least, is the Lollipop version, which is surprisingly dark. This one makes you feel like you are looking to meet your Crush at a seedy, Berlin hotel in hopes no one finds you both together. All three capture the many ways liking someone can feel like the deadliest thing to give you life, and that is exactly D’arcy’s aesthetic. Embracing light like its your darkness, and letting it reign. Click Here For More.