Artists of 2023: Own Your Sexuality & Vulnerabilty with Emeline
What has a friendship break-up taught you about love versus a relationship one?
It taught me to take nothing for granted. You expect a relationship with lover to end in heartbreak but you never expect that with a friend… that’s why it often hurts so much more.
What is the craziest thing you have vented to a stranger, and how did it make you feel after?
I had a lyft driver who I opened up to about experiencing narcissistic abuse. She had such a strong read on my energy and gave me life changing advice and information. We really connected and then never spoke again… it was really freeing.
What are the qualities you look for in a person to deem them worthy of your trust?
I think it’s important that no one pressures you to be ready for something before you’re ready. It’s a red flag if someone wants to push you into trusting them before they’ve earned it. Observing through time and experience will tell you everything.
What is a boundary you set with relationship that you never budge on? In essence… a deal-breaker?
My deal breaker in a relationship is lying. That makes it impossible to trust someone.
Seeing music as self-liberation, what has music unleashed in you?
So many different things… “flowers & sex” allowed me to step into my power as a sexual being. “this is how i learn to say no” allowed me to release a toxic relationship for good. “cinderella’s dead” allowed me to step into a new version of myself and feel so empowered in doing so. It’s cool as a writer to create spaces for myself to either move into or move out of. Usually it’s hard to write from exactly how I feel in the moment without space for perspective, but I did that with “venting to strangers”. That song gave me permission to feel heartbroken.
When you see yourself as Emeline the person versus Emeline the artist, do you feel they are one and the same or two, separate identities you bridge?
I think that EMELINE the artist is very much made out of myself as Emeline the person. I just took certain elements and zoomed in to accentuate who I am.
You have sung about “trauma-bonding” and how common pain can make you really feel love for someone? Do you think shared pain is a dangerous or delusional glue for a relationship? Or a natural one?
I believe there can be a bit of both but it’s important to be careful when bonding over and during vulnerable situations. It’s really important to protect yourself and also be aware of how you might be hurting someone you care about without even realizing.
Honesty is often a word artists use to describe their music. How do you measure truthfulness as a creative, and what is the biggest truth you have revealed about you via music?
I’m a very detail oriented lyricist and I love giving those pieces of my life to my listeners. I feel like I’m just giving puzzle pieces, because I’ve been through so much and I’m just giving them enough to let them put it together. I think I revealed the most truths about myself in “venting to strangers”, showing my insecurities for the first time and not just my strengths.
You use music as a way of owning yourself and your sexuality. Who are some artists that inspire within you positivity about sexuality? Why?
Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, David Bowie, Elton John to name a few. They exist unapologetically as themselves and it’s inspiring to watch. I hope I can make people feel that way when they watch me, inspiring them to feel like they want to be the most themselves they can be.
What is a love song you would love to write based on a story? Could be from a book or movie or just your imagination?
One of my favorite movies and books is “The Little Prince” it makes me feel like a kid when I watch it and was my favorite book as a kid. It’s not a romantic story but it’s full of love and I’d like to capture that childlike wonder in a song at some point.
For More Info on Emeline Click Here.