Diandra Interviews Buzzy Lee: Embracing Spoiled Love

Between spirals and spoils, there is love. It can be a whirlwind of joy, drama, and how seeing someone as your “partner in life” totally restructures how you partner with yourself. For Buzzy Lee, it was a romance in Paris that taught her how a toxic relationship can launch you to see how you treat yourself. In her new album, Spoiled Love, she sings to indulging in love until its decadences sours. Embracing songs like paintings of her love life, in our interview, she discusses music as a reminder that, no matter who you love, your relationship is about investing in yourself first.

Diandra: What are the spoils of love for you?

Buzzy Lee: I completely indulge the beginnings of things: the beginnings of songs, the beginnings of paintings, the beginnings of relationships. I spoil the love completely until it spoils. 

Diandra: In what ways or how so do you feel Spoiled Love represents your personality and perspectives on life?

Buzzy Lee: I think it’s an honest recount of my relationship to myself over the course of a deteriorating relationship. 

Diandra: Is there a core message to Spoiled Love that you feel really resonates to you, especially now in life?

Buzzy Lee: It’s a reminder not to get lost in someone else, though, I think I make better music when I do! Eek. 

Diandra: What do you feel Buzzy Lee can say or embody about Sasha Spielberg that you feel you can’t do so without Buzzy?

Buzzy Lee: I do think Buzzy and Sasha are almost seamlessly interchangeable. I definitely don’t put on an alter ego as “Buzzy.” I’m still very much “Sasha” but I notice even on my Sasha instagram, I poke fun at myself way more, and with the music I make, it’s way more honest and vulnerable which is ultimately scarier. 

Diandra: What is your favorite, childhood memory with music?

Buzzy Lee: I performed once when I was five with my brother Theo. We made everyone sit outside as I sang, and Theo played the bongos. My family threw flowers at us after we were done. This could explain my need for constant validation. 

Diandra What is an album that you would turn into movie? What would be the premise and who would you cast? 

Buzzy Lee: 1991 by 1991, Michael Shannon on a train to nowhere?? 

Diandra: What has music taught you about how you love versus how you want to be loved?

Buzzy Lee: It’s taught me everything about how I love. I’m only just learning now how I want to be loved after a few relationships that showed me what doesn’t work. 

Diandra: You have spoken of your fear of fame. What makes you scared of it: how it can transform people around you or transform you?

Buzzy Lee: I notice for some, it’s never enough, and once a person has reached a pivotal point in their career, they become insatiably hungry for more. I haven’t witnessed this in my family, but I have with people around me. I don’t want to ever “need” more. I want to feel at peace with a medium. 

Diandra: Music can heal, and you have been open about feeling insecure and anxiety battles. How has music been like therapy in overcoming them, and what, specifically, did it teach you to love about yourself?

Buzzy Lee: The song Spoiled Love is actually almost a lullaby, me singing my anxiety/loops to sleep. I indulge my spirals so deeply, this is about me putting them to sleep. Have I achieved that? NO! I still spoil my spirals, but I have found that I have grown since I recorded this album in that now I move to contrary action, so if I feel stifled by a panic, I will go to the piano or paint. 

Diandra: You have said you are really serious in music but goofy in real life. who is your favorite comedian and why? A favorite joke? 

Buzzy Lee: You know, I am so BAD at remembering jokes. It’s one of my least favorite things about myself. I can never remember a good joke. But I love Mitch Hedburg, Sarah Silverman, and Dave Chapelle. 

Diandra: Describe making a song like making a painting or in a “painting analogy.” What colors and strokes most match your style?

Buzzy Lee: The language I speak to Nico while making any music is in colors. I would say Spoiled Love is filled with pale yellows and greens but then, at one point, it turns to a deep purple/blue. 

Diandra: You have said Spoiled Love has very French Vibes. What aspects of French culture and visuals do you feel in your songs? 

Buzzy Lee: I was staying in Paris over the course of this album dating someone who lived there. I think the context naturally inserted itself into the music. It jumps from Northern California to Turin, Italy to Paris. 

For More Information On Buzzy Lee Click Here.