Diandra Interviews Diamante Eléctrico: Figuring Out How To Change

Taking in the opinions of others is the hardest about being an artist/ human being. I have yet to meet a person that is NOT terrified of being wrong and failing. Speaking Diamante Electrico, they discussed how changing their sound felt like personal choice of growth, but, like any change, needed to be backed by a level comfort and courage in one’s self. 

Diandra: How do you see music as a connector to your heart? 

Juan: Always! We have always considered music a connector to our hearts. It is in the lyrics and rhythms that we put ourselves. I feel like music is the heartbeat of every human being. It is our breathe. I NEVER understand why anyone could say, “ I don’t like music.” I once had a produces say that “Music was the contamination of the ears.” 

Daniel: What?! (in shock) Okaaaayy…. 

Diamante Eléctrico – Oro [Official Video]

Diandra: Who were the people that most influenced you as musicians? 

Andee: It started from my childhood. My dad always told me that I had to listen to everyone, every genre. He heard me only listening to pop, and he told that I had to listen to everyone to come up with something original. 

Juan: I think that anyone who says they are “original” is not real. It is impossible. We are all influencing each other, which makes things complicated. We believe in influences in the best way. We will always be looking for that “best song,” but it is not about being weird or “original” as much as being what it is. 

Diandra: People have remarked how your newest record feels softer. What do you see as a change in your music that draws such ideas? 

Andee: I think we thought we were this one sound and had these standards, but realized we are not. Now we are closer to what we think Diamante Electrico is supposed to sound like. 

Juan: We realized, in time, despite all influences, what we need, artistically, as individuals and a band. 

Andee: It is funny. A lot of our fans that are pure punk-rockers love our new pop sounds, and a lot of of our fans that enjoy pop are more into our old, punk sound. It really is just about doing what you need to do for yourself artistically. Yes, people’s opinions have an influence, but you have to do you. 

Diamante Eléctrico – Rotos [Official Video]

Diandra: But it must be hard to not take in or, at least, see public opinion as more important? 

Juan: We do music for ourselves. Public opinion is nice, but what matters is that we like it. Of course, it is important, you need and want people to listen to your music. It is a balance. It is a very difficult because you need to be connected your music as well as listeners. It is very difficult. 

Diandra: How do you see performing as a refuge? 

Juan: I think it is the only place where the mind leaves. When I am up there with my guitar, I am really not here. I am not in this world, and it is fascinating to witness because you say to yourself, “Wow, I really left.” It is transcendent. Such a connection is only made with what you are passionate about. Some people get it through meditation or whatever. For us, it is music. 

Andee: It is crazy because in certain songs I know what he is feeling. Like certain solos, I can see how he “leaves.”

Juan: It is crazy. You know when you think of legends like The Beatles and Jimi Hendrix. They must have gotten so high from so much energy and people cheering.  

Diamante Eléctrico – El Naufragio (Salvavidas) [Video Oficial]

Diandra: What has music taught you about love?

Juan: That love is the greatest teacher I have ever had. It shows me that anything can change. Love is a transformation. Whether it be love or even melancholy, these feeling change something within you. It is something so powerful that I think only the most sensitive can tap into. I have always found this group to be “feminine” as some might call it. We are sensitive to emotions and we are strong for that. We dress and act like “rockers,” but we are very vulnerable. Without love you cannot be an artist, The spirit of an artist is love, and how he experiences it. 

Diamante Electrico – Solo tú, dueles (feat. Vicente García)

For More Information On Diamante Electrico Click Here.