Diandra Interviews Michigander: Welcome To Michigander

In a world, where people try to “reinvent the wheel” some artists recognize that a good thing does not need to be reinvented. Moreover, you can’t be in a constant state of building yourself and simultaneously believe you can “rebuild” something as cosmic as music. In essence, play your song and if a billion people hear it….. GREAT! If it ends up just being the best song for you to you that is as cosmically grand as anything else because, like a wheel, we all use and have a song or even a person to get us by. For Michigander, you make music to make things better and that purpose is not so much reinvention as much as rebirth: a constant state of birthing
yourself into a newer version of you that know how to comfort itself better than the older one. In our interview, I observe and relish the comfort of Michigander’s answers and his music in the form of  new EP Everything Will Be OK Eventually.

Diandra: You titled you EP ““Everything Will be OK Eventually,” how do you know when you have arrived to “eventually”? Describe what “okay” means to you?

Michigander: This is a good question. I think personally for me, I’ll be “ok” when I can tour again. I feel most at home when I’m in a van with my best friends. 

Diandra: It has been a lonely year for many, but they say that those that are okay with being alone are wiser. What is some wisdom you have gained about life in being alone?

Michigander; I think I’ve learned to be a lot more content and happy with where I’m at in life. This year let me reflect on my surroundings more than I have been able to in the past and I think that was very special.

Diandra: What are 3 new things you learned about yourself and to do in 2020?

Michigander: I learned that I like video games, cooking, and FaceTiming my friends. 

Diandra: The Midwest is known for its nature. If you describe your music as an embodiment of the Midwest, how would you do so?

Michigander: I think my music is very aware of what it is. I’m not trying to reinvent the wheel. I’m just trying to do my best and make something I love. I think that is sort of a “Midwest” attitude.

Diandra: Your new EP is all about finding inner peace as you chase your dreams. What is a peace you feel will chasing your dreams versus a heartache?

Michigander: I find peace in knowing that I’m doing what I love. If I’m doing that, I won’t ever consider that a failure. 

Diandra: What is a movie, tv show, or book that you feel could be a great concept album? Why and from what perspective?

Michigander: The movie “The Place Beyond The Pines” is one of my favorite movies, it has a lot of plot development. I feel like a lot of good songs could be written based around that movie. 

Diandra: If you could turn your new EP into a movie, what would be the premise and who would you cast?

Michigander: I’m not sure what the premise would be, BUT I would definitely want Taika Waititi to direct it. I love everything he does.

Diandra: What is your favorite childhood memory with music and family?

Michigander: I distinctly remember sitting on my childhood twin-sized bed with a chord chart poster spread out trying to learn chords on my dad’s Yamaha Nylon String Guitar.

Diandra: What about Michigander, as an entity, represents you as a person?

Michigander: I feel like I’m pretty synonymous with what Michigander is. It’s a very big part of my identity. 

Diandra: If you could divide yourself between the past, present, and future, what are 3 qualities about you that you always had and will always assure to have?

Michigander: I feel like I’ve always been a pretty genuine and intentional person. I think in the future I want to get even better at those two qualities.

Diandra: How has making this EP influenced how you envision your next album? What growth have you done that you want to further?

Michigander: I think I’ll want to work a lot harder than I already was when I make the next batch of tunes. I had over a year to work on EWBOE, and I think all the extra time really paid off and shows through in the final versions of those songs. 

Diandra: What are three things that always make you laugh and why? Example

Michigander: The only thing that consistently always makes me laugh is anything Tim
Heidecker does. I’m a massive fan of him and his work. I think he’ll go down as one of the greats.

Click Here For More Information On Michigander.