Diandra Interviews Nnena: Bringing Visuals To Verses

I am so excited and hopeful for Nnena’s future because her rap style is poetic. Her ability to make a verse sound like a painting of love is incredible. She is a visual lyricist, which makes her songs such as, “Lovesick,” feel like sonic partners for women suffering the highs and lows of love. Yes, we want a partner, but finding “the one” can lead you to several bad partners. Nnena discusses how her love life and childhood formed her music.
Diandra: You have said, “I want my music to be the light at the end of a damaged person’s tunnel.” What are the damages your music has helped you heal?
Nnena: Heartbreak and lots of lonely nights. It helped me heal and realize I was a bad bitch and I am capable of overcoming any dumb boy who got ahold of my heart.
Diandra: What moment of your childhood defined the power of music to you?
Nnena: Car rides with my Daddy! My daddy made sure to keep my ears very versatile when I was a kid. Every morning, when he would take me and my sisters to school, he would always play music from Al Greene, Ottis Redding, Dolly Parton, ABBA, Millie Jackson, and so many more to name.
Diandra: You combine humor and fierceness as elements of your style and vocality. How do you find the balance between playfulness and firmness when creating your verses and image?
Nnena: My music is me in real life. I am the balance, so it’s not so hard to keep that same energy when I’m writing my music. Whenever something good or bad happens to me, I write it down. Good or bad, I’ll always find a way to smile about it. So I just put it in a way you can feel me.
“Not the thumb”-Chapter1 -Damn Nnena: The Hurt Bitch Chronicles Vol.1
Diandra: Your music celebrates flaws as much as strengths. What are the qualities about yourself, your own art has helped you persevere?
Nnena: My dopest quality is my personality and my smile. I have a welcoming spirit but my gift of discernment is crazy. The best thing about my art is that you can feel it instead of just listening to it. I create visuals with no pictures. If you close your eyes and listen, you can see what I been through and it’s a possibility you may see yourself. Imagery is a big part of my creative process. Mental vacations are the best.
Diandra: “Lovesick” aims for the beauty we wish to be in love versus what the ugliness it can bring out of us. How would you describe love?
Nnena: Love is sacrifice. Love is scary to me. It makes you do dumb shit that your mind tells you not to do but you listen any way. Love to me is being in a hole and finding the only person who can help pull you out of that hole.
Diandra: Bouncing off that question, describe the first moment you fell in love and your first break-up. What songs, to you, define both?
Nnena: I fell in love a couple years ago and, to be honest, it felt like I was invincible when I was with him because I felt protected. But, when that same man broke my heart, I had days where I felt worthless and questioned every detail about me. Getting your heart broke is no joke because you’re the only one who can bring yourself back to you. If you wait for someone else to make you feel whole and happy again the same thing will happen and just starts the worst cycle ever. Love and heartbreaks are a necessity .
Diandra: Name 3 moments, in your career so far, that have been your favorite part of your music journey? Could be in 1 sentence or 2.
Nnena: 1. My favorite part so far is going on tour with KB Devaughn and WS Boogie right after graduation.
2. Getting my first co-sign from the legendary DMX.
3. Working my ass off and signing my first ever music deal with JJ. Abrams.
For More Information On Nnena Click Here