Diandra Interviews Nora Lei: Trust Keeps Everything “Together”
For Nora Lei, Trust is everything. To truly love someone, you have to trust them. To truly build your career, you have to trust yourself. To be able to dream and have fun, you have to be able to trust you are not crazy but creative. In our interview, we discuss her newest track, “Together,” and how it embodies her faith in trust and the people/ fantasies she trusts to keep her motivated.`
Diandra: Part 1: What is a book, tv show, or film you feel would be a great concept album and why?
Nora Lei: I loved the movie series Twilight. I think the supernatural is really cool. There is so much to explore in that realm. There was a lot of emotion in that movie. Love, death, the unknown… the excitement. There is a lot to build from, and I’m obsessed with fantasies.
Diandra: Part 2: Which character do you most admire or relate to in it and what them would their song be? Why?
Nora Lei: I admire Uma Therman from Kill Bill. She was such a badass. I think her theme song would be Girl On Fire by Alicia Keys ft. Nicki Minaj.
Nora Lei – Never Knew Why
Diandra: What is your favorite childhood memory with music?
Nora Lei: When I was younger I would choreograph dances and sing in my basement to female artists I admired. I would like to pretend I was them, I will always have that memory! I would be down there for hours, just doing my thing.
Diandra: What about music brings out your truest self? What is the truth it reveals to you about you?
Nora Lei: My music is always about whatever I am going through, it’s an outlet for me to express myself and make it art.
Diandra: When you think about your life, what has music consistently healed and supported within you?
Nora Lei: Music makes me happy, it heals my mental health, it makes me stronger. It makes me open up and grow.
Diandra: What makes you an old soul? What about you is “old soul” when it comes to romance?
Nora Lei: I love Love. My favorite movie growing up was Princess Bride. I am such a sucker for a love story. I think there’s something so great about finding someone who is your person, and you grow together. My parents were married at 16/18 and have been married for 42 years…. that to me is such goals!
Nora Lei – Heroine
Diandra: What is the most romantic thing you have seen versus the most romantic things you have experienced?
Nora Lei: Probably, seeing what my parents have. It’s always been an inspiration to me, and I feel lucky to be with someone who has my back. Trust is everything. Trust is romantic af!
Diandra: What are three things you love in people and 3 things they should love about you?
Nora Lei: Trust, vulnerability, confidence, and I guess my honesty, my passion to follow my dreams, and ability to love.
Diandra: Seeing yourself as the heroine in your own life, what is a hero you would compare yourself to or admire? What is a strength you share?
Nora Lei: I’m not sure who I would compare myself to, but I just know that when I need to be confident I think of Wonder Woman. I picture her in that badass’ outfit and think, “What would Wonder Woman do?” I picture myself in that badass outfit. Then I go do whatever I can to make it happen. Ha!
Diandra: If you could write a theme song to you life, what would be one verse or even a chorus?
Nora Lei: I think I already did, it was my first single, heroine.
Diandra: If music could incarnate and be like a childhood friend, what would she say about you has never changed versus what has grown?
Nora Lei: I think she’d say you are exactly the same, but you’ve grown a lot.
Diandra: What keeps you “together” with someone? What inspired the track?
Nora Lei: Trust! On both ends. It can’t be a one way street. Together is all about the ups and downs of a romantic relationship, and then realizing it’s all worth the fight, you know that person is your person. You may both get a little crazy, but you’re crazy for each other.