Artists of 2020- Diandra Interviews Silvina Moreno: Love Songs From A Good Life

If you read my site often, then you know I have the tendency to categorize music and artists according to emotionality. Apparently, Spotify and I have caught on that the future of genres relies on the feeling of a music more than their arrangements. Thus, Silvina Moreno is 100% a thoughtful artist. She is smart, kind, and filled with wonder over how the songs she creates reflect the person she is trying to be, which she claims is like committing “sincericide.” 

Diandra: How do you see your music as a link to your soul?

Silvina: Really profound question! Music is the language of the soul. It is the most powerful connection to our own profoundness. It is the most advanced language of humanity because it can surpass race, class, and social difference to give people united understanding of humanity. 
Silvina Moreno – Esperanza (Official Video) ft. Agarrate Catalina

Diandra: Do you feel that there have been moments, in your songs, where your own profoundness shocks you?

Silvina: Yeah! There are moments that I commit, what I call, “sincericide.” (She laughs!) Where I am so honest i feel like I am killing myself. I never regret being sincere because it helps me tell my stories but it also teaches me empathy. I leave that stage and people approach me to share their stories or say they relate to mine and I learn so much. 

Diandra: Do you feel committing “sincericide” has liberated you, in a way? 

Silvina: (she laughs) Yeah, of course, it opens doors. I am grateful for who I am. While I many not be the most incredible, interesting person in the world, (she laughs), I think I am normal.

Diandra: You don’t think being a songwriter gives you an interesting life? 

Silvina: I think when it comes to daily life, songwriting does make it more interesting, especially for me. I don’t have a tragic life. I didn’t go through strange experiences or hard times. The truth is I am a city girl: raised in Buenos Aires. I have had a beautiful life filled with good people and great opportunities. I have fallen in and out of love. (she laughs) Several times! Yet, the beautiful thing is to write a song about them and see how people relate to it. 
Silvina Moreno – Si Desafino (Official Video)

Diandra: What has songwriting taught you about love? 

Silvina: (she chuckles) I think that artists have the tendency to analyze more of themselves when it comes to love because it is what we sing to. We treat love like it is this supernatural being like, it is perfect. Yet, love is not perfect because it is human. This is something I have noticed amongst artists. In my personal life, my goal is to create a song that goes beyond my life. The goal is to achieve, as a writer, the ability to not only write about your past but also things you have not experienced like, your future. 

Diandra: So do you feel music has taught you about the human condition?

Silvina: Absolutely! It teaches us everyone about the human condition. Music is the mirror that reflects humanity: that is why it overcomes all barriers across countries and differences. it helps us see and accept our imperfections.

Diandra: What imperfections do you feel music has helped you accept about yourself? 

Silvina: Well, if you ask my family, they will say I am anxious. (She laughs) I do worry about how things will go, and whether they will go my way or when. It is not that bad, but I am anxious. I want things now, and I want them how I want them (she laughs) Music taught me patience. Music is a fantastic teacher to remind people of the basics in life: to help them learn to remember that simpler things matter. 
Silvina Moreno – Tiempo (Official Video)

Diandra: What is you favorite childhood memory with music? 

Silvina: I remember spending hours in the mirror: singing and interviewing myself as if I was a famous  singer. (she laughs) It was incredible. It was truly a fantastic time, and I would make my poor sister, Victoria, film me and film the little programs I would write. Ugh, poor girl! She had so much patience with me.  

Diandra: So do you think it was your destiny to be a singer? 

Silvina: Yeah! I think it is destiny and hard work. It is a LOT of perseverance, and it is a process of years. 

Diandra: So what has been your consistent goal throughout that process? 
Silvina Moreno – En el 87 (Official Video)

Silvina: To be a storyteller.To be intimate. To see my light and always show it through my songs, and assure that everyone sees theirs because of it. Our inner lightness is what we have in common. 

Diandra: So what has your light shown you? 

Silvina: It may sound cheesy, but, for me, you are never alone because you have yourself. I think the minute you realize that, it is so powerful. From there, you can discover or desire to discover so much about yourself. 

Diandra: Ultimately, what has music taught you to love about yourself? 

Silvina: That I have a lot to give! That I have the capacity to convey, through song, humanity, and not a lot of people that gift. What I love about me is that I always knew I wanted to be a singer and never stopped going for it. I am a servant of Music, and I respect that she is incredibly healing and moving to humanity. 

For More Information On Silvina Moreno Click Here.