Diandra Interviews Travis Thompson: Recklessly Authentic

Travis Thompson is completely lovable, which is why his music is attractive to so many. His new record, Reckless Endangerment, is a jovial look at misery. Here you have this warm human being who could easily give a lesson on how to make a fandom through social media, but he struggles with feelings of genuineness and is very open about it. For his followers, they see him as their friend who is willing to grab a 40, sit on a stoop, and smoke a blunt to all the dreams we have no idea if they are worth dreaming. It is a strange, beautiful picture and so is Reckless Endangerment. 

By far, one of my fave albums of the year, the record celebrates embracing life to the fullest while feeling your emptiest, which is something Travis Thompson does. Part of why I found his interview responses filled with strength, and even a sense of nobility, is that he is the guy who would pick up the pieces of his broken heart and say, “F**k it! I’m throwing a party!” He really responds to sadness and confusion with fun, which might be the best answer. Maybe, the most authentic thing we can do is have a laugh and dance with friends. Check out the interview below to see! 

Diandra Interviews Travis Thompson: From Reckless Endangerment To Authenticity

Click Here For More Information On Travis Thompson.