Mission Statement And Thanks!
Diandra Reviews It All is my initiative to review the world for the light it offers. I have spent years as a freelance critic working for nytheatreguide.com, newscult.com, etc, while also trying to form my own artistry. Having both perspectives, I realized I wanted to add a new layer to how we critique: positivity. I wanted analyze the virtues artists’ construct when making their own entertainment. For me, there is no such thing as a good or bad artist. Each one has a unique essence, and as reviewer I try to find that.
Positivity is not simply about good or bad. It is an offering of value. I want to see what your music or theatrical production or art piece has to give in wisdom to the world. What does your art reflect about humanity that makes us want to look into your mirror. Art reflects the bits of humanity that are beyond superficial, while human creativity explores the bits of humanity that are purely spiritual. Hence, I write my reviews like a student: open to learning what you wish your art to teach.
If you are an artist that wishes for your work to be promoted or reviewed by this blog email me: diandrareviewsitall@gmail.com Check out my twitter @diandrareviews1 Check out my soundcloud for consistent updates of new artists tracks and playlist for the week and weekend. Instagram Facebook
I truly thank all viewers whom consistently turn to my blog and trust my views on the light offered by the artistic world. Whether you are watching a musical about a single woman falling in love or a film about social isolationism, there are so many themes and layers to this world. We are all seeking answers and a deeper understanding of life, to which my job as a”new-wave critic” is to review what answers a piece of entertainment gives.