Artists of 2019: Piqued Jacks Are The Living Past

With changes in formation, Piqued Jacks, a group of brothers raised in the countryside of Florence, felt like they were The Living Past. Having to muddle through the shake-ups and redefinitions of their brotherhood, friendships, and dreams, their most recent work elevates them to their most intriguing, heartfelt sound. In essence, by getting they lost, they have been found. 

From “Eternal Ride Of A Heartful Mind” to “ Being Hurt,” The Living Past is a gorgeous album the uses synths and tones as if they are the scrambled pixels of a vision, which makes sense considering the album’s inspirations. Often, I say breakdowns and breakups are opportunities for breakthroughs, and this album exemplifies that. “Don’t Hope, Believe,” “The Living Past,” and “Loner Vs Lover” feel like the wakeup calls of a group people realizing that transferring your dreams into reality are way harder than anyone can imagine. 

No dream is easy to accomplish, and it is not just that the road is hard, but  also that it is unlikeable. Your journey to achieving a goal can make you realize you do not want or like it, which happened for Piqued Jacks. Thus, their verses are about falling in love again with love, faith, and inner peace. For this, E-King’s vocals are exemplary of the raw dreaminess he finds in influencers such as, The Red Hot Chili Peppers and Biffy Claro. He hazes his voice as if it is a fog beautifully clouding dangers. He knows how to spike his voice with raw pain or quiet it with the mulling over of it, which furthers this band as a sonic “go-to” for those trying to learn how their past frames their future.

There comes a moment when we need to assess what has been to see what will be, and The Living Past is the embodiment of that wisdom. With that in mind, Piqued Jacks are ready for 2019 to be their biggest year yet, and they the music material that could reach people’s hearts so they could reach for their concert. For More Information On Piqued Jacks Click Here.