Album Review: Waxachatee Observes Sobriety In Saint Cloud

You ever been really hung-over? Suddenly, light feels brighter, noise feels louder, and all your choices feel heavier. In a way, being hungover surmises in a moment what is the process to get sober. Choosing to let go of all that substances that got you high or under influences, forces you to be still and examine what you did when faded and why you chose not to stay present/here. In Saint Cloud, Waxachatee seemingly anchors herself to analyze why she even wanted to feel “above.”

Waxahatchee – Can’t Do Much (Official Video)

From “Fire” to “Hell,” you pretty much know, from the titles, that Waxahatchee is talking about some rough stuff. For her, sobriety burns like a forest fire without all its revealing truths. Yet, from “Witches” to “Ruby Falls,” it is hard not feel under-currents of jubilation in her chorded arrangements. She embraces her sounds like each are one more step to celebration because healing from old wounds and hard truths, in perspective, is AMAZING!

Waxahatchee – Fire (Official Video)

You ever looked back on bad times and thoughts, “I am so strong!” If you haven’’t please fo because, like Waxahatchee, you will also see you are so loved. Every song feels brisk in melody and muse with Waxahatchee’s voice swimming through notes as if she is used to butterfly stroking through oceans. She manages to emote notes as if sentiment is something string along in your journey, and life teaches you to see that as beautiful. Thus, tracks like, “Lilcacs,” “War,” and “Oxbow” have her singing to every form of love: self, toxic, familial, and universal. The result is a record that feels eased in its thoughtfulness, which only reveals how coolly complex Waxahatchee is as an artist. For More Information On Waxahatchee And Saint Cloud Click Here.