Song Review: The Gold Setting Make You A “Video Star”
Okay, is there such thing as happy soul? Can that be a genre now? In a world that has introduced dark techno, dark pop, and punk rock., can we have something like joyous R&B as a legitimate genre? Well, I do not know if the title or trend will pick up, but I do know The Gold Setting are certainly trying to bring it as a wonderful style in “Video Star”.
Liza Colby has a voice that makes you LISTEN. This may not seem like much, but nowadays anybody can be a singer. A good beat can overpower little talent, but The Gold Setting want to give you both. Colby’s vocals have girth to them. They plush with the flesh of sentiment, which is why her eagerness to be seen, heard, and loved in “Video Star” seems so unreal. Such a talent would not struggle to be adored, at least, not by me. Moreover, the instrumentals are dressed with pure 70’s soul and laced with flowery funkadelia, so that you never lose the sense of glitz and dreaminess this band has to offer. In addition, when you add a handclap to a quick beat, you are just begging people to join in on the fun. Thus, “Video Star” is irresistible, and The Gold Setting are proving that happy soul WILL BE A GENRE SOON! For More Information On The Gold Setting Click Here.