Theatre Review: Slumber Gives Life At House of Yes

Slumber has just opened in Brooklyn’s House Of Yes. This concert/theatre hall is known for its eclectic selection of artists and theatre that makes the mind reel in imagination. Hence, it is no wonder that Hideaway Circus would present there its first circus-murderous play: Slumber. This “dancical” as I call it, offers fabulous acrobatics, fresh choreography, and blood…. lots of blood.
Slumber is about a a group of young, female friends that go out to have a good time at the club. Sounds normal and harmless right? Until, one of them has a mental breakdown, and decides to kill the rest of her friends. This psychotic friend is played phenomenally by Lee Hubilla. Lee’s turn from a young woman brushed off by her friend’s self-absorption and indifference to a deranged psycho-killer will have audiences’ laughing in terror. She is so casually insane you feel threatened by both her derangement and your own liking of it. Moreover, she carries the show, in terms, of audience participation by inviting viewers on stage to help her hide bodies, taking votes on whether she should kill again, and altogether calling out the world for pushing her to a mental breaking point. Yes, Lee does all this with a smile and two little donut buns on her head. She is charismatic and rhythmic in both her dance moves and rhetorical ones, which makes her like a venomous snake that you are tempted to keep as a pet; she might kill you, but she is also adorable. Still, Lee may guide the show in terms of most stage time and lines. but she has a wondrous support system in Slumber’s, or Hideaway Circus’s, dancers and acrobats.
Olga Karmansky is eye-opening as Hubilla’s contortionist friend that meets “death” twice. (See the show and you will know what I mean!) Karmansky bends her body in ways that make you wonder if she even has bones. How can any human being be so flexible? Meanwhile, Anya Sapozhnikova and Melissa Aguerre will have you biting your nails as they commit riveting acrobatic moves above the audience. The way these two women connect in chemistry and physicality is stunning to watch, and a reminder of how synchronized a human pair can be through sheer discipline. In addition. Lisa Sainvil and Bokyung Park drip endearment through their Hip Hop routines and ability to keep a constant smile. Though they had few lines, and not enough stage time, these two were memorable for their exhilarating dance “swag”/style and indescribable “it” factors. Still, respect, in terms of memorability, must be given to the only male member of Slumber’s cast: Joren Dawson. As the only man in this youthful celebration of women’s bodies and its ability to move, he was never behind in showing his skills.
Featuring choreography from the MTV nominated Keone and Mari Madrid, the soundtrack and dance moves of Slumber should be reason enough to journey to Brooklyn. It is surprisingly refreshing to see choreography that is reflective of both the Millennial generation and movements associated with Hip Hop and electronica. As an avid theatre lover/critic, I had not realized how, at times, “dated” the choreography on Broadway can be. There is not too much “pop and lockin” or “crunkin” going on the Great White Way, but the amount of energy the cast offers in serving high octane, vibrant physicality kept the audience consistently overjoyed. My marvel at the viewers’ happiness came from how impressed I was by the charisma of Slumber’s cast. After all, this is a play about murder, and yet people were giggling and applauding like children watching cartoons. Hence, the cast’s likability must be admired for maintaining a colorful, lightheartedness through a show that could have seriously been dark.
For a ninety minute show, Slumber goes like a quick dream. It is like a breath for fresh air to the theatre scene and the dance world. Such a well- choreographed and selected cast deserves to be seen. Moreover, this show is unlike anything currently playing in the NYC scene, and I mean that in the best of ways. It is a great reminder of the entertainment relics that can be found through New York, and not simply around Times Square. Playing from now to November 6 Click Here to buy tickets and learn more about Slumber and Hideaway Circus.
2 Wyckoff Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11237
Take the L train to Jefferson Street.