Album Review: blackbear and Iagree “everything means nothing”

Not many artists have been able to capture how Gen-Z party quite like blackbear. Coming out August 21, everything means nothing Part 2 is total, Gen-Z jams; capturing heartbreak and disillusionment amongst beat-drops, glamorous vibes, and golden rhythms. It is like having the worst break-up upon a luxury yacht; the break-up being emotional and the yacht being youth. For however hard it is for youth these days, music somehow molds how we feel resilient and invincible while feeling fried and screwed, all at once. 
blackbear – me & ur ghost

“i feel 2 much,” “sobbing in cabo,” and “i feel bad” will attract and further blackbear’s following because most people live that happy/sad dynamic, of which many Gen-Z artists approach. If prior eras approached the club like it was an escape pod to Jupiter, now music sees the club as an emotional crossroad; a haven for hook-ups and existential crisis. You cry in the bathroom because your guy has been ignoring, and then proceed to revenge twerk to tracks like, .”me & ur ghost” and “i feel that.” blackbear’s voice coolly flows like an AC in a heatwave; refreshing every rhythm so that nothing ever gets too emotionally hot. Yes, he and Lauv may feel “half alive, but they are still living it up in a soundscape that never feels down. 
blackbear – queen of broken hearts (official video)

Life is a dichotomy. It is fun and boring, cruel and sweet, charming and absolutely dislikable. The magic of blackbear’s pop jams is that they totally embrace how confusing feeling can be, but yet we continue feeling and living to feel. Thus, in an odd way, his music comes off super light and banal for approaching emotional complexity. Yes, he is dealing with a “hot girl bummer” but he does want to “smile again.” Thus, in his own subtle way, blackbear embodies the new era of Pop music: dynamic, energetic, and depressed, which is what it is like to be young in 2020. Click Here For More Information.