Album Review: Cardiknox’s Portrait Is A Dance- Pop Painting

Seattle born, NYC raised, and now LA- Based, Cardiknox is a synthpop band that combines the music greatness of these cities and brings them back to the 80’s for their debut album, Portrait. It is absolutely undeniable that their infectious pop sound is influenced to its core by this era. Hence, their album is as colorful and fun as the time itself, which can make it come off like a soundtrack to one of the 80’s classic films.
Thomas Dutton and Lonnie Angle form an electric duo both in sound and talent. They exalt synth/ electro- pop flashiness with hooks that can be heard 20 times in a row and still feel fresh. You will dance to this album, guaranteed, and you will certainly enjoy the resonating feeling this band gives with their similar sound to No Doubt or Garbage. Dutton creates the perfect beats and back-up vocals to elevate Angle’s dramatic vocal styles. In songs like “Supermodel” and “Wild Child,” you can definitely hear the vocal inspiration of some of Gwen Stefani’s earlier work. Moreover, the members of Cardiknox are admirers of theater.
On My Way
Portrait does not hide Cardiknox’s belief in a strong, even dramatic, performance, which is why their songs are so emotive. In “Your Love”, you can literally hear the pain and desire of wanting someone’s love so badly that it drives you insane. This song is an excellent example of Cardiknox’s ability to make you dance through serious themes and share heartfelt lyrics on what it means to live life. Their knack for theatrics is shown by a motivation to not just sing a song but also feel its story. The detailed vocal annotations and coos elevate the synth rhythms in meaning, which allow listeners 
Many artists have downplayed electro-pop as soulless or without heart. Yet, anyone who hears Portrait will know that the album and its artists are 100% about having spirit. Each song carries deep, even dark, lyrics about the highs and lows of life, which gives an intriguing contrast to its brighter sounds. This contrast makes each track of their album a layered listening experience. More importantly, its musical compositions give off a vibe of youthfulness that makes you want to ride off with friends and let your inner light shine. It is that feeling of being free that makes Portrait a welcomed debut by Cardiknox.
Favorite Tracks
What Do I Do Now– This song belongs in the break-up scene of an 80’s classic movie. You know the scene! It is the one where the two protagonists walk around the park giving longing looks to the wind, and wonder what they could have done different to keep their relationship.
Your Love– This track is a great example of the quietness and loudness of lustful love. Cardiknox coolly sings the remorse of unsaid and undone actions as they replay in the mind. Hence, when the “military-like” beat drops, it gives Angle a chance to show her vocal prowess. Her voice heightens its octave range while heightening the sentiment on love’s addictiveness. 
Door– This is a definite favorite of the album and a solid electro-pop track. It is immediately likeable. Moreover, it proves the power of repetition in creating an intoxicating hook. As Angle repeats “Every time a door closes another one opens”, you feel your hope build and your resilience furthered with every beat.
Supermodel– It has a rock sound similar to Garbage that makes it a great mix of grunge and pretty. It is a fun song  about being beautiful while acting ugly, and you love every minute. The synth beats are dynamic, the lyrics sexy, and the background vocals elevate the song’s casual coolness into a slight “anthem” feel.
Portrait is released on March 11 by Warner Bros Records. You can check out their album on their official website, and see them live on March 25 at Terminal 5.