Artist Close-Up: Amy Shark Sings To Millennial Truths On “Weekends”


Amy Shark’s new track “Weekends” has to be pointed down as both music and a Millennial truth. Only on weekends does this generation, seemingly, come back to life. From being over-educated to over-worked, the weekends have become a staple of Millennials bated breath. Hence, Shark’s melancholically dark, electro-pop track, “Weekends” is all about the wonder and sadness of only feeling in a relationship when you have your routine, two days off.
Amy Shark – Weekends

As we all await to reunite with friends and lovers for Saturday nightlife and Sunday brunches, the week can feel like an emotional drain. Whether you are like Shark, perusing through your supermarket job to attend to the “needy”/ your personal boredom or at a “desk job” punching in stats and emails, there is a felt mindlessness to the week that as Shark sings “Only on weekends do I feel the same”. What is the same? The same about her lover, who she marvels makes her feel as they love and know her better than she does herself? Or the same in that her personality shines when she has a moment off work? The instrumentals on this track are as heavy and pulsing as the dormancy or mental inactivity we can feel while our work week trudges on. Moreover, Shark has a weighty wind to her voice that makes it sound both “breathy” and pulled down by her emotions, which, makes sense, as the song is about the daily anticipation we have to be with the ones we love on the weekend; when we are seemingly free. In addition, “Weekends” has a subtle, hymnal arrangement that courses through the song to, again, build the “Hallelujah” vibe that is the weekend.

It is a sad thing to say that “Only two days of the week I feel like I can be myself”, and whether Shark knows it or not, she has made a song that strikes for a generational, spiritual, and social issue. You should not only have a relationship with your partner and yourself two days of the week, but its hard to try to manifest self and external love when you are clocking in from 9 to 9.
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