Sugar punk is what Hey Violet serves in their debut record, From The Outside; a cool title for a band that approaches pop music like…
Courts is straight-up feel good. In four tracks, their new EP, Back Of The Mind, gives you the exhilaration of a good workout. You dance…
Aisling Walsh’s Maudie is a sheer character piece based of real-life folk-painter Maud Lewis. At two hours it begins slowly as we are introduced to…
Beauty is hard thing to capture, which is why people dwindle it to the eye of a beholder; you have to see it to believe…
Andy Warhol seems to fascinate people because he was a purveyor of “the fascinating”. He picked up humanity’s penchant for images, and human beings’ own…
Leave it to Coldplay to make a song, All I Can Think About Is You, that is socially poignant, sonically trippy, and oddly romantic all,…
Joyner Lucas’ new record, 508-507-2209, elaborates that Lucas can drop-kick a verse like gymnastics, but cannot avoid the difficulties and discrepancies of living life poor…
The line between theater and country music has been officially ended, and Early Riser have done it. Their new album Currents has an alternative country…
Imagine walking the glittered, roped drapes of an underground nightclub. As you look at walls with graffiti images and names of people proclaiming, “I was…
Bay Ledges’ played a bright show at Mercury Lounge. The siblings, Zach And Georgia Hurd, moved to LA, California for a change of scene that…
Palehound’s A Place I’ll Always Go should really be called The Only Person You Can Turn To, Ultimately, Is Yourself. Yes, I know that title…
Steve Earle is a legend. When you think of classic country, you think of this Nashville singer-songwriter, who capture country music’s inner rebel. In perspective,…
The difference between emotion and mood fascinates me because I FEEL there is a difference between the vibes/ atmospheres your presence sets and the sentiments…
I’m beginning to think that family might be the best platform for music. Between those you consider family, The Bent Knee, and those you were…
Sometimes, we need a sparking reminder that life can be fun. Seeing The Avalanches live was the reminder I did not know I needed. From…