Concert Review: Cemetery Sun Bury Warsaw In Good Music

When you think Cemetery Sun, by title alone, you think of darkness and light or death and rebirth, which are good contrasts to describe to…

Concert Review: Kungs Brings The Heat To A Cold NYC

It is a rather strange thing to enter a club and exit it to a winter-storm. It is even stranger when the club felt like…

Concert Review: Towne Gives Pianos A Country Chord

“Yes, yes, and a thousand times YES!”, is all I could say as Towne gave Pianos NYC a country chord for it to sing along.…

Concert Review: Stef Chura Shows Brooklyn “Detroit Love” At Shea Stadium

Stef Chura showed Shea Stadium BK that Detroit also has its Millennial, art spaces developing, as well. The young woman appeared more like a Brooklynite…

Concert Review: The Oh Hellos Give Christmas Feels At Music Hall Of Williamsburg

I felt the Christmas Spirit at The Oh Hellos’ Christmas Extravaganza in Music Hall of Williamsburg (MHOW). It was one of the few instances in…

Concert Review: Post Malone Gets “Stoney” At Irving Plaza

I recently reviewed Stoney as one of the best debut of the year. The album does well to show the multi-layers of Post Malone’s talent…

Song Review: Bastille Makes “Blame” Something To Want

  I recently reviewed Bastille in Pandora Live, and was incredibly impressed. They gave an excellent show, and their music leaped off the stage as…

*2016 Pick* Doc Robinson’s “Golden Daze” EP Strikes For Nostalgia

While we are letting go of the old to ring in the new, I have a new artist and EP for you to start 2017…

Album Review: Mikko Joensuu Finds The Christmas Spirit in “Amen 2”

The holidays are very beautiful, weird time. They are not only the periods of the year then we are most celebratory of life but also…

Album Review: Gibbz Makes Electro-Soul In “Oh My God”

Its clear I like Gibbz. I was so impressed with his concert that his Oh My God EP became a must, especially comparatively. Luckily, Gibbz…

Concert Review: Peppina Shows The Right Attitude At Rockwood Music Hall

Sweet, approachable, and soft are how Finnish songstress, Peppina presented herself at Rockwood Music Hall. The singer made it her personal mission to promote positivity,…

Concert Review: Bon Iver Is The Wizard Of Oz At King’s Theatre

Bon Iver is currently on tour for the album 22, A Million, and I was AMAZED at how ornate their concert is. Frankly, I do…

Diandra Interviews: Idle Frets Stay Grounded In Their Love For Music & “Tasty Ear Soup”

It feels like everyday there is a new book dedicated to making success into a tangible formula. By now, we know a few of the…

Artist Close-Up: GT & Wildfire Are Headlining Tropical House Music

GT X Wildfire are adding to the House craze that has swept the world, and giving it a tropical twist. The house genre is known…

Song Review: Astronomyy Sings On Loyalty In “Things I’d Do For You”

Astronomyy is an unusual artist. The Worcester native sounds unlike anyone else because he can make the complex sound simple. Whether through lyrics that aim…