Concert Review: Ashe Makes Truth Her Literal Charm


Ashe is a woman of a thousand faces. Naturally, she is stunningly beautiful, which is why how she contorts her body and face is hilarious. She is a natural goofball; who genuinely does not care about looks as much as heart. A student of jazz, Ashe’s music feels complicated and emotional, but still “pop enough” to hit the radio waves and sell out Bowery Ballroom. 

When you think jazz, you think of intelligence, art, and black history; three things that have been defined by pain and resilience. Literally, every song Ashe played had a sense optimism after a tough time. It was as if she wrote her lyrics on a rainbow that came right after another hurricane hit her life. Her brazened honesty, in perspective, could take somebody aback. Nobody talks about their sadnesses or real, familial traumas like, having a brother that was once addicted to heroin. For her, these are the truths you toss into a crowd with the same ease and colorfulness as a bride her bouquet. Yet, most of us would not, which is why everyone was there for her: she has made honesty her literal charm. 

Ashe – Moral of the Story

She bops and skips around the stage with the absolute giddiness of a girl that got a full bag of Halloween candy. She is so HAPPY, and you love it because it feels genuine. She is a seeker; a person trying to be better to herself and others, of which its starts with her voice. While, she felt like she was losing it, especially because she wanted to cry from seeing her Sold Out crowd, Ashe’s voice has enough power to go around. You can tell she is trained just by the level of control and pitch precision in her vocality.

Ashe – In Disguise

I think I was DEFINITELY amongst the few, in the room, that got shy about singing along with her. She is so encouraging but like, Kimbra, Jazmine Sullivan, or Ariana Grande, some people’s vocality is such a force, you don’t want to reckon with it. With her tracks being so positive and uplifting, it was amazing to see a voice that could EASILY belt out a long, weighty ballad on heartbreak prefer sweet tracks on mending your heart again. For More Information On Ashe Click Here.