CONCERT REVIEW: BENEE Is A Good Person And Artist

When it comes to artists that never fail in giving a fun time, BENEE delivers, and I have full faith in prospering career. Why? Because, at Rough Trade, she proved part of why I started this website. Nowadays, who an artist is as a person matters to their fans. We are not just picking music; we are picking a lifestyle. 

To have a major fandom, means that you will, probably, wind up rich, traveling the world, and ignite social media with your every move like eating a banana after surgery or trying out to figure the volume on your Alexa. Hence, if “making it” is a matter of luck, everyday people feel more important/inclined in deciding who they see as deserving to be lucky, of which her crow wished BENEE the best of of luck. Now, of course, I don’t KNOW BENEE, but, at her show, you certainly walked away feeling like you did.

BENEE – Glitter (Official Video)

She makes the funniest faces when she sings, can turn even a spider crawling through her room into an event/bopping song, and gives you about 30 million inside jokes within an hour set. Even talking about her makes me, and the rest of her fans, like the guy describing why he loves his fellow lead in a rom-com. There we are, in the rain, asking BENEE to love us. Yet, this seems “normal” to her fans because she is like their best friend in highschool, and TOTALLY EMBODIES a PEN15 episode. She is goofy, good-hearted, laughs at herself, and is not at all insecure, which feels like a change for typical “teenager” portrayals.

BENEE – Find An Island

Maybe, I have binge-watched too much Euphoria and am overthinking the lyrics in Jessie Reyez and Billie Eillish records, but, sometimes, I am shocked by how scared and anxious teens are nowadays. In some ways, I understand. I need a bourbon and holy water just to get through one hour of the news. Yet, what is refreshing about BENEE is she is young, happy, and confident, which used to be how us, older folks, saw and thought teens were in their youthful prime.

BENEE – Want Me Back

Yes, teens have always been seen as emotional, of which BENEE”s pop tracks subtly and coolly play to that. Even her darkest fear does not measure to how light she feels, which is so refreshing. Her voice is rich in tone, which allows her lyrics of getting better ACTUALLY make you do so. I cannot reiterate enough how in a world of young people singing to feeling down, BENEE’s ticket to the top might be her ability to just be happy. WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For More Information On BENEE Click Here.