Concert Review: Broken Social Scene Cool Down NYC Heat At Summerstage

The Summerstage series continued on Sunday to the delight of NYC’ers looking to enjoy the sun, while also not wanting to melt in it. With a few tents of sprinklers, free water, and some of the best local brews/ sandwiches around Broken Social Scene played to a packed audience of families.

After Talib Kweli, I got to change the dynamic, and head towards Central Park. Watching kids run around as everyone tried to feel “cool”, Broken Social Scene were VERY AWARE that it was hot; something they causually mentioned through songs that feel unweathered. Their imaginative rock winded through the crowd to give everyone a feel of liveliness. While the heat may tire, their music revived the audience with an undeniable spark and alertness.

From “Protest Song” to “Superconnected”, I have to admit the most exciting thing about the Summerstage series is walking into it. As you look through the park, you hear the sounds of some of the greatest, “indie” artists around. I say “indie” because Summerstage picks the most popular artists that may not be on the radio, but they will certainly be on your playlists and every other music mag PRAISING THEIR ARTISTRY! Thus, Broken Social Scene fit right into their line-up, and had the crowd wooing at their progressive tracks.

There was no hiding that two things were dominating New York’s ambiance: the sun and its protests. Yet, this Summerstage show felt like an easy break from both. Broken Social Scene’s melodies waved and winded over us to provide New Yorkers a space that said, “Yeah, the world sucks, but, at least, you are here!” This may seem like a small, too basic a feeling, but, in these times, when things feel overpriced, the news feels overwhelming, and most of us feel overworked, The Summerstage Series is free and feel good. Click Here For More Upcoming Events.