Concert Review: Dream Wife Are Bad Bitches At Baby’s All Right
Dream Wife made their NYC debut with one single command: All Bad Bitches To The Front! Lead singer Alice Go repeated the phrase so much, I felt compelled to go (lol!). Yet, as the demand was thrusted unto the audience, followed by a migration of female heads to the front of the stage, you got the sense that this was Dream Wife’s mantra. Bad Bitches deserve to lead the pack!
Dream Wife – Somebody
As lead singer Alice Go sang in her soft, spoken vocals, the room felt transformed by this sonic blend of Sid Vicious meets The Spice Girls. Dream Wife feels like your literal “dream wife” decided to join and bake cookies for the punk circuit. They mash and oddly mock the notion of a “dream wife” as this perfect woman with no feelings or thoughts, but somehow has excitedly memoized every recipe on earth. If anything, Dream Wife is a celebration of women discovering their flaws as triumphs. Owning imperfection seems to course through songs “Love Without Reason”, “Kids”, “Act My Age”, and “Let’s Make Out”. As Go waltzes around the stage and dead stares at the crowd like she does not see our face, but our souls, the room went wild with the invitation to say, “F**k It! I am a woman, which means I am good, but I am NOT PERFECT!”. It may seem strange, but there is something beautiful to accepting you are not a “dream wife”. Instead, you are a woman with thoughts, desires, and feelings that can have you being a “Lolita” saying “Spend The Night”. That type of femme empowerment defined Dream Wife’s concert, and why it was special beyond the fact that it was their debut. They distinguished themselves amongst the many rising in the punk pop circuit by brazenly and boldly being all about women’s empowerment.
Dream Wife – Fire
Dream Wife has to have been one of the best shows I have seen because they went beyond genre in becoming socially defining. They were not preachy in their promotion of female confidence, but, instead, they were beacons for it. With their distinct styles and plushly razored. rock melodies, you could not help but feel like you wanted to earn the “front status”, and become a bad bitch that is not afraid of saying she is good! For More Information On Dream Wife Click Here.
Dream Wife – Lolita