Concert Review: JP Saxe Plays To “The Relationship” In NYC

When you hear JP Saxe, you might compare him to Ed Sheeran or Tom Walker. He rises amongst the ranks of artists that understand a good personality and a good melody are like putting chocolate into milk. You take two things that are perfectly fine on their own and turn them into a phenomena. (Note: I love Chocolate Milk!) At Baby’s All Right, JP Saxe sang to “the relationship” that leaves you marked.

Call it the “Ross and Rachel,” but we all have that one person whom always remains circling our memories; of whom it does not matter whether we love them anymore or not. Instead, what matters to us is how our “love story” unfolded from beginning to end. JP Saxe treats his lyrics as if they are documents to his full investigation on love, and why “the relationship” turned left and still matters to him. Thus, his voice feels harrowed with spite and spirit as he recalls the good and bad of once loving someone and being transfixed by how, now, you don’t. 

Saxe is a charm, and he knows how to turn a crowd with his wit and wisdom. He makes heartbreak and humor a common ground that connects us all, and, because of that, you want him to succeed. It is not simply that his voice packs emotions like muscles, ripping and throbbing with the work it takes to strengthen, but he is someone that likes to connect. He wants to give you his songs and stories because they are his heart, and he believes this muscle should always be opened to everyone. In a world that wishes there was a safe enough space to share your heart, song such as, “Blurry” and “25 In Barcelona” speak to finding such spaces in your life. 

Overall, JP Saxe has everything in his favor to rise, of which something Shaed showed after is that time is everything. One minute you are the opener, and the next you are the headliner. It may take months or years, but when you add on all the persons that will hear your songs and tales of love and heartbreak, they, eventually, become a following. JP Saxe is earning a following. Click Here For More Information On JP Saxe Click Here