Concert Review: Metronomy Are Literal Joy At Brooklyn Steel
GIVE ME LIFE! GIVE ME LIFE, LORD! That is what you will say in the praise-fest that is Metronomy! Now I am NOT saying they are a religious group, but I certainly felt the Holy Spirit. I mentioned it in my Tigertown review that, sometimes, the hardest bands to review are the ones that specifically and wholly embody an emotion, particularly happiness. Joy seems to be the most wonderful thing you will ever feel, but, try to describe it, and words become insufficient. Metronomy are joy, and my words are insufficient.
The UK band took over Brooklyn Steel, and left me feeling like this:
Like, suddenly, I could defy gravity and BE magic.
The chemistry between Metronomy’s bandmates is so in tune you wonder if human beings can arrange their connection the same way one arranges the chords of their guitar. Can you fine tune yourself to your creative partners? Of COURSE! And, in that, there is beautiful, sly cockiness to Metronomy that reigns without the typical annoyance of arrogance or its unfriendliness. They look at each other with wry smiles and nods and then glare at the crowd with a face that says, “Oh, shall we do another one? Shall we go again?”. You could, practically, lose your head from the exciting invitation, and the powerful pocket a concert can be in making you feel protected and euphoric. Nowadays, people invest more into concerts and absorbing the surrounding liveliness of fellow goers because the outside world feels so finite; yet, music is forever! Thus, the dancing and cheers of the packed Brooklyn warehouse felt like the sun decided to buy a ticket for Metronomy’s show, as well. Even minor, sonic problems could not obliterate the blissful eagerness of the crowd to take in songs such as “Hang Me Out To Dry”, My Heart Rate Rapid”, “The Look”, and “Everything Goes My Way”. The electronica aspect of their sound was amped ten-fold within their live act, but seeing their natural chemistry and musicianship made them build a rainbow bridge between the soulful, earthiness of their talent and the Heavenliness of their arrangements.
Metronomy – Hang Me Out To Dry with Robyn (Official Video)
I had forgotten how much I love bongos, but then Joseph Mount whipped them out, and it was as if we had joined a disco-tribe. You, definitely, feel the leading, visionary vibe of Joseph Mount as he guides Metronomy through tracks like, “Love Letters” and “On Dancefloors”. His voice pats rhythms like one would their favorite pet; gently caressing and cuddling lyrics while each sonic runs around fetching people’s attention. The result is a concert that is, oddly, aimed for those ready, willing, and in need of a GOOD TIME!. This in not a moody, let’s step into feelings show; although they have such tracks. Yet, their performance is strictly to grab your friends, some beers, and your dance shoes. For More Information On Metronomy Click Here.
Metronomy – Night Owl (Official Video)