Concert Review: Miss June Coronates Rough Trade
You ever want to let it all out. I am not talking “let loose” as much as just lay every feeling on the table. If you want to laugh like a maniac then go all Joker. If you want throw yourself on the floor and roll around as if dust bunnies are actual creatures you can play with, then you roll. I think every person wishes they could be clear about what they feel. Say “F**k It” and say every emotions that crossed their heart, especially when they were wronged. Part of Miss June’s appeal to the Rough Trade crowd was their mutual agreement; sometimes, you can’t look good or “act sweet” about being left to sour in situation you didn’t make.
I get the old saying; if it is you versus the world, it is, probably, you that is the problem. Yet, you are no,t necessarily. the problem because you caused a situation or a system as much as you did not react to it “properly.” Lead Singer Annabel Liddell might as well be the human embodiment of a middle finger to anyone that says there is a “proper” feeling to getting hurt beyond pain. She tussles between being a complete maniac on stage, while also being gentle, relaxed, and fluorescent. No she did not glow like a lava lamp, although she could become volcanic energy. Erupting vocal notes and body movements as if she was trying to spread and spume fire and ash across the crowd while also feeling as intimate and warm as a bonfire.
Liddell is a total queen, which is why she makes her “mania” feel elegant and regal. If you notice my title of the article is “Miss June Coronates Rough Trade.” Did they ignite moshing or, at least, the feeling of totally wanting to bash into people and walls? Why, yes they did! Yet, they made Miss June feel like the “Queen of Anarchy:” the titular person to realize that if the world does not care what you think or feel then think more and feel everything. For More Information On Miss June Click Here.