Concert Review: Muna Is Spectacular At MHOW
Talk about a fun show! The Muna gals are everything we love about pop and the rising acceptance that women are strong and fierce. Like The Spice Girls, Katie Gavin, Josette Maskin, and Naomi McPherson have this stylistic swag and important presence; showing femininity is humanity and heartbreak is a common wound that you learn to heal.
Celebrating their newest record, Saves The World, Muna’s songs are happily emo but their newest tracks felt psychedelically disco when live. The synths glistened like a ball of shattered mirrors hanging over us to reflect light. Their lyrics are surprisingly dark for a sing-along. Their verses nose-dive into self-loathing and being a complete outcast even in your own self-image. It was 100% the “Billie Eillish” effect; put a good, pop beat to a sincere insecurity and you will have droves of teens coming to see you.
When I spoke to singer Carlie Hanson, she told me about the rising anxiety of Generation Z’ers and future generations of youth. Between social media, the Apocalyptic news’ cycles, and the general suffering/ struggle of being a human being, loving yourself never felt harder because it also feels useless. What? Am I supposed to hug myself and say “It gets better” as I google Syria or Climate Change? You may laugh at that latter, dark statement, but it is true. Muna are nuanced in playing to the difficulty of feeling worthy in a world that feels or acts worthless. We may admire saints, martyrs, and heroes, but no one REALLY wants to be the “dignified person” who gets their heart broken figuratively and literally.
MUNA – Number One Fan (Official Video)
What I love about Muna is that they were three young, strong women that danced on the stage like it was their bedroom, played their instruments like it was an arena, and did both as they sang to accepting suffering. You are not always going to like yourself or the situations you go through In fact, you will hate both, but there is something slightly relaxing about accepting such truths as part of life’s ride. This dynamic is what helped Muna such a reviving show; it was light, giddy, and totally empowering. For More Information On Muna Click Here