Concert Review: Tessa Violet Made Crushes At Irving Plaza

When an artist begins their career “going viral,” it is fascinating because, in a way, you have been chosen by the people. What you do with their “choice” of you is what builds your career and says something about who you are. At Irving Plaza, Tessa Violet showed she is incredibly thoughtful. 

Similar to Dodie, Tessa Violet surprises you with her depth, in part, because we presume colorful personalities and looks do not understand the greying shades of life. Yet, it is the contrary; you are a walking rainbow despite surrounding clouds. Thus, from “Crush” to “Not Over You,” Violet sings to the wanting of a partner: from someone you are seeking to love for the first time or another you loved long ago. She represents how, in each person, is a dreamy poet writing visions and verses to the stereotypical, happy ending we attribute to love. Yet, the dangers of thinking there is always a standard, joyous ending to romance is that reality proves not so. 

The most important quality to Tessa Violet is that she sings and speaks to her audience like equals. It is as if we are all her friends gathering to support her and discuss that this whole “relationship thing”/ adulthood is really hard. DISNEY LIED! The disintegration of yourself as a “Princess” and your partner as “Prince Charming” is integral to Violet’s lyrics, but her sound style treats such classic drama with crisp, clean modernism. Vocally and instrumentally, she unpacks and builds her notes like IKEA furniture; making every emotion and pop-rock hook easily accessible and affordable, which the crowd loved. 

A good heart might be the biggest secret to success, and, to the audience, Tessa Violet had one. Even better, she treated her songs like receipts for the cost of having one. At times, you fall for the idea of a person, “I Like The Idea of You,” or swear “Bad Ideas” are good. Yet, this does not, necessarily, mean you are dumb or horrible. It could also mean you are a good person that needs to be better to and for yourself, of which how you approach relationships is a measurer of that. This is a great message for the young ladies whom admire Tessa Violet. For More Information On Tessa Violet Click Here.