Diandra Interviews Nova Miller: A Powerful Voice of Positivity

DAMN! Nova Miller can sing, and, in a world, that expects powerful singers to sing to deep heartbreaks, she changes the mix. She belts and leap through octaves to sing to self-love and pushing to overcome issues rather than be crushed by them. With such a rich vocality encouraging people to feel luxurious, I was excited to interview her and see how the young songstress keeps her confidence in an industry that does not mind crushing it.

Diandra: With both your parents being musicians, what has been their best advice as creatives and professionals in music?

Nova Miller: I think just seeing them both pursue professional careers in music created a standard for me. You have to be really brave, and you have to put yourself out there because no one can make it happen for you. It’s not an easy industry. The bigger the risk the higher the reward! They would always tell me that everyone can’t love you, but to always keep pushing and to always try to improve. With music especially, you can ALWAYS learn something and you’re never done. 

Diandra: Do It Myself is a song for independence and self-love. What has loving yourself helped you learn about what you can do for yourself?

Nova Miller: Yes it is! To me, It’s about realizing your toxic traits and learning from your mistakes. We left self-sabotaging in 2019. I’ve realized that loving yourself really sets the standard for everything else in your life –  If you believe you are the shit – you are! When you love yourself, you don’t feel the need to hurt yourself or someone else. But just like any relationship – the relationship with yourself changes all the time and you have to prioritize it. So take that bath, eat those strawberries, put on that face mask, turn off your phone, and take care of what’s within. 
Nova Miller – Do It To Myself [Official Video]

Diandra: What is one thing you’ve learned about being an individual or yourself through your relationships?

Nova Miller: My energy is mine – I have total control over how I wanna spend it. Learning to not let people waste your juice! Also – going back to the core reason as to why you’re searching for love in the first place. If it is because you’re feeling lonely and incomplete? Don’t do it to yourself, girl. Love should come together; it should just fit In your life. But I’m nooooooot tryna do that yet, I am just finally loving myself, and I am ok with that.  

Diandra: How would you define true love?

Nova Miller: To be so honest, I dooon’t know what it is, and I’m not gonna pretend I do. I wouldn’t say I’ve experienced it by being in love with someone yet; the only true real love I know is the love to my music. It’s unconditional and simple! My guitar and I have gone through some stuff together hahah. 

Diandra: You mentioned how in the industry, you felt like you always had to prove yourself. How do you handle being a confident, ambitious woman in an industry that tries to delegitimize that?

Nova Miller: Starting out as a 12 year old passionate, ambitious girl I had to prove myself in almost every situation. I was constantly underestimated for my age and got told my dreams were toooo big and that I was ”too much”. It was so frustrating, but I was very lucky to be working with a strong and female team that always kept encouraging me to not listen. Now being 18, I just go where the love is. People that try to dim my light and tell me that my dreams are too big are not invited! 

Diandra: When others write about you they remark how confident and solid you feel in your self-identity. How would you define yourself as a person, and how do you feel your music reflects that?

Nova Miller: I am smiling at this question because it’s so cool to be recognized for that! It’s taken me a second to be this confident. Handling being bullied for years at school (even before I started making music) I think has made me strong; my BS tolerance now days is very low haha. Moving to a new country, without family, at 17 has made me independent and forced me to create the habit of being myself and being strong. I don’t like to put things in boxes – I would just say I’m an old soul, I believe in choosing your happiness, and I am very passionate. I want my music to promote strength in every possible way, which has been my main focus creating this next project I’m about to put out this year. I wanna make people feel confident, like they’re in control and not the victims, like they’re beautiful, important and celebrated. 
Nova Miller – Turn Up The Fire

Diandra: With your music having a retro flare, what about past of eras of music do you feel never ages?

Nova Miller: First of all, there are so many bops from the 60s/70s that just makes you feel so good; you just wanna get up and dance!! Back then, the availability and access to music was not as big, which I think made the standard higher. The lyrics were so storytelling and classic, the topics were universal, and there was so much emotion behind the musicians. Like the Beatles, Ray Charles or Aretha Franklin, there was so much purpose and realness. Whenever I feel confused, I just go back and listen to the classics. 

Diandra: Your sound has been described as “anti-emo,” what experiences in your life have taught you to be positive?

Nova Miller: People used to be extremely mean to me at school and on social media. They told me that I wasn’t anything; I would never reach my goals, threw things at me, and ran away with my guitar in the halls. My coping mechanism was to turn to music, and I just had to be my own motivation. For a long time, I pushed it away and it would just lay under the surface, which is not good either. I just found the balance of letting go of the things your can’t change, and choosing to see the light in situations. I promise – you can choose to see the good. 

Diandra: With your music promoting a sense of joy and self-care, what are the things you do to stay happy and keep a sense of inner peace?

Nova Miller: I have it written down by my bed – at least once a week I NEED to have a prioritize moment of total self care and self reflection. Even if its just an hour, it makes the biggest difference. Running is very therapeutic, meditation is crucial, taking baths, doing my skincare routine, drinking tea, writing in my diary and calling my family is what helps me keep my inner peace. I also love taking dance classes when I have time, it’s such a nice way of letting go. 
Nova Now Episode 1: Thrifting with Nova Miller

Diandra: What are the layers to yourself, you have discovered through your creative process?

Nova Miller: I swear people are like onions, there is an endless amount of layers (lol). I am, definitely, a social introvert. I get my energy from spending time with myself. I learn and discover things about myself all the time through my music; you’re just gonna have to hear about it when I release my next project this spring.

Diandra: What is your favorite childhood memory with music?

Nova Miller: I loved going to my parents’ big shows. There was one time when my dad played in the theatre band I got to sit with the musicians and watch the show from there and I thought it was so cool. I also remember someone in my family had a little toy violin and when you pressed the different buttons it would play songs, and I used to just sit there and pretend I could play until I forced my mom to take me to a teacher.
For More Information Nova Miller Click Here.