Interview With Imogen Tonder – A Small Voice With A Big Talent

There is a simple, sweetness to Imogen Tonder’s voice and person. She is a young woman, like many, trying to have her voice heard. Yet, Tonder’s voice is different than most because it is simple. She claims it is tiny, but she proves not having a loud voice can make more people listen. Her latest album Lie With Me is beautifully intimate, and enters your mind as quietly as a star enters the night.

Diandra: Moving to Paris for your career is a move of chance but also one done by somebody whom believes in herself. What pushes you to believe in yourself and what do you do to knock out any doubts?
Imogen: It is a wonderful move to make and I am so happy here! There are definite moments of nervousness having given up my job, sold my flat etc, but I really did want a change of lifestyle and to not be tied to an office job. I want to be able to (if I can make it work!) spend more time on music, creative projects, and re-training in new areas that I can build a career from working for myself in the long term. Six months in and the building blocks have been laid. It is sometimes hard to take the next steps, but I think that is fear holding me back as it is a pretty big lifestyle change! However, I think I am ready to go for it now and I am feeling very happy about my choice and excited about what’s next.
Diandra: You wrote a song based on the London Riots: “London 08.09.11.” The lyric that struck me was: “There is no fame or glory destroying your own world. You are fighting yourself.”  What about that instant of “human chaos,” made you so reflective?
Imogen: I wrote the song during the riots when I got home from work. I remember being really quite anxious at the time about crowds approaching the area I was in. For me personally, it was one of the times I felt most unsafe in London. The overwhelming feeling to me was that people were destroying their own communities and their neighbors’ lives/careers, which made the whole thing feel extremely sad and futile, which is what inspired that lyric.
Diandra: Your work with a children’s Hospice and your song on the London Riots seems to prove that you are a very thoughtful, kind person. What about music helps you to bring out that inner kindness and desire for human empathy?
Imogen: Hmm, tough question! The only way I can think about answering this is, it can give you a chance to say how you feel about somebody in a way that is hopefully meaningful to them, and is like a present to them I suppose! For instance, the song “Count On My Love” from this current album, Lie with me, is one of my favorite songs as it really says everything I felt and leaves something lasting and meaningful for the person it is about.
    Diandra: When you hear your first album Half Alone and then hear Lie With Me what strikes you about your growth as both an artist and person?
    Imogen: I had a clearer sense of what direction I wanted Lie With Me to go in, in terms of a very stripped back acoustic approach. When I went to my producer – Joules Productions – the first time, I didn’t even know that I was going to record an album. I had no idea what references were or what kind of style I wanted my songs to go in! So that was much more of a creative collaboration with my producer whom is a genius! Lie With Me was very much back to my usual stripped back approach. I can’t wait to see what the next album brings!
    Diandra: Your songs are very soft and intimate. When you are performing at local music haunts, do you feel the setting helps emphasize that aspect of your music?
    Imogen: At first, I struggled to get myself heard. I really need volume on the mic as my voice is so quiet! I experimented with a full band which didn’t work for me, and I found it very nerve racking to perform without the piano and standing in front of the audience just singing. Now I am looking for more intimate venues which definitely helps, and I am also learning guitar for performances in the near future.
    Diandra: “Show Me Love is an amazing dance track! What most surprised you about yourself as an artist by tapping into that genre?
    Imogen: Thank you very much. The song came about randomly on a Wednesday morning at work. I got an email from a DJ/producer in Kazakhstan who had heard my voice and asked me to write the melody and lyrics to his backing track. . .and to have it recorded by that weekend! I sat at my desk with the backing track in my headphones whilst I worked trying to develop the melody/lyrics, and then recorded it on the Friday night after work. It was definitely a challenge as it was so different from my usual style! There were many MANY moments when I thought I cannot do this! But I thoroughly enjoyed it and am really proud of the song.
    Diandra: What is the most fun you have had / your craziest story about performing?
    Imogen: My favorite performance was my first ever open mic. It was at a fairly intimate pub in London and I had a few of my family and my closest friends there. I felt really supported as I was absolutely terrified! But it felt very comforting having them there, and was just a lovely atmosphere.
    Imogen’s responses made me feel like I was talking to a sweet woman with a bright talent. Her humility and confidence, at knowing she has a talent and message to share, would move anyone to listen. Check out her website here, where you can buy her music.  Check out her music here.