Song Review: Millennials Welcome Sheare’s Capri-Sun Pop

If pop music was edible then Sheare would be its Top Chef, and he is playing Rockwood Music Hall on September 26. Restless is just a preview of the “pop-tarts” that this Millennial mixer can offer. Young, fresh, and delicious are just a few words his sweet tracks have been associated with, but the artist himself has categorized his newest song, Restless, as Capri- Sun pop.
Restless may be compared to the sugary, childhood drink because of its drinkable beats, but its sounds are a veil for colorful heartbreak. Its synthetic rhythms may paint a neon landscape, but Sheare’s voice carries the weight of a heavy heart. Yet, this heart is not heavy from broken love. It is heavy from broken ambition. Whether it be dreams for a relationship, your future, or even a simple vacation, we all dream of somewhere better where we are someone better. As Sheare accepts that, despite his youth, he feels restless and tied down, every Millennial will certainly wave their hands to say, “Amen!” Of course, older generations that believe Millennials are “whiny” or lazy, will not find the track’s empowerment as appealing. Sheare is strictly here to cathartically sing that being young can get a little old, which is the most tragically relatable thing every generation has felt.
When you are young you are filled with an energy and a light that is open to being used and spread throughout the world. Unfortunately, as you grow older, the ease and willingness to share your light can be shut down by others’ viciousness. Thus, despite an awesome kick-bassline and retro-key arrangements, no remix can cover the struggle to feel young and light, when your dreams are not working out as planned, Still, despite the sadness of this reality, Sheare assures that you still have good rhythm to dance the worries away, and feel, for an instant, interconnected with the world and other youth in your Millennial struggles.
Sheare has been compared to Troye Sivan and Beck, and once you hear Restless, you understand these comparisons. Like Beck, Sheare aims to always sound and feel new. The Brooklyn-based singer has beed developing music for the past few years trying to find not only the right sound but the unique one. His goal is the be distinguished in pop music for being distinct, which should be the goal of any musician. Even in a genre like pop music, every artist should want to sound like, amongst the pack, they are one of a kind. Like Sivan, Sheare is proving that the rising youth of artists are willing to put in the work and imagine to be “one of a kind”. Click Here for more information on Sheare.