Song Review: This Party Show “Money” Can Overpower Love In Relationships

Money is the BIGGEST reason that most relationships end. When it comes to love versus financial stability, for some reason, this noble virtue does not always conquer. This Party hails from England to show that money makes the world go round or, at least, relationships fizzle.

Money is an indie-pop rock track that makes people want to either dance in their living room or turn up their radio as they go to work. Its rock riffs drip off the song like dressing: turning the plain “lettuce” of your day into a delightful treat. Yes, I know that was a bit of a stretched, humorous analogy, but I have a feeling This Party would appreciates it. They are a boisterous, outlandish band that “indiefies” pop and rock’s loudness through unique guitar melodies and swift basslines that sweep up listeners through subtle, techno undercurrents. The result is electrifying, yet the combination of Matt MacNeill’s casually drawled voice with lyrical truths are what make this song memorable.

MacNeill sounds like effortlessness as he breezes through some harsh realities: poverty can make anyone fall out of love.  His voice is contagiously good, and resonates with the 80’s style of dramatic delivery, which is needed when singing about a failed coupling over money. Ugh, the truth sucks sometimes, and as MacNeill tries to find a way to appease his love or re-spice the relationship, the song show that the brokenness of a relationships can come from being “flat-broke”. Click Here for more information on This Party.