Artist Close- Up: The Suzan Say “Konichiwa” To Creating Joy
The Suzan’s Konichiwa glitters like its literal meaning: with welcome. In three bright tracks, The Suzan have created the sonic version of a 5-hour energy. You drink up their tracks, and for a good, few hours you greet life warmly.
While Konichiwa, literally, means “Good Afternoon” in Japanese, The Suzan chose this title to represent their own re-embracing of music. Headed by sisters Rie and Saori, also owners of the record label Poco Poco Beat, their new, creative sound was sparked by a desire for happiness. This explains why their voices seem straight-toned with pink hues. You want to snuggle into their vocality because they seem so naturally warm; they are not working to love life, like most of us do, but instead have a natural admiration for it.Thus, “Desire”, “A Song For You”, and “Tokyo” were born to bring joy to music.
Sonically, Konichiwa feels as light and fluffy as cotton candy; it is swirled in sugar until it ruffles into a sweet sound. You simply want to bite into their keys like one would a croissant with jam, of which The Suzan’s baseline goos with berried chords. Yes, I am using a lot of “food analogies”, and it is not because I am hungry. Yet, Konichiwa feels like a music desert. After you hear all the meals, offering you weighty sounds and lyrical analysis, you want something light that caps off all that you have eaten. In some ways, our ears eat music like our mouths eat food, of which Konichiwa is a wonderful, desert to end a great course. For More Information on The Suzan and Konichiwa Click Here.