Album of April: Lizzo’s Cuz I Love You Makes Me Love Me

Self-empowerment is the hardest thing to achieve because it means you have to love yourself. I know that seems obvious, but, if you look back on your life, you will find that you have been  meanest to yourself. The power of Lizzo and her debut album, Cuz I Love You, is that its about a young, big, black, and BEAUTIFUL woman determined to love her spirit beyond the images handed to her by others and her own insecurities. 

Sonically, CUZ I LOVE YOU IS A TWERK FEST! You simply cannot get work done while listening to this record. Lizzo lives in the “Beyoncé realm;” where to put on tracks like, “Crybaby,” “Lingerie,” “Juice,” and “Tempo (feat. Missy Elliott)” is to also make an open choice to abandon whatever overdue project or excel sheet your boss has been hammering you to do. Their beats were made for that moment, in any party, when all the ladies and gents are ready to dance like a pack of trained choreographers. You have to move to this album, but it is what Lizzo achieves in movement that is the real gem. 

Lizzo – Juice (Official Video)

Yes, I am comparing Lizzo to Queen Bey, but it is only from a curious, psychological effect. Both ladies have an innate ability to reach listeners’ essence. Though they sing to loving your curves, putting your finest fashion, and dancing as if your joints never tired, they present their lyrics as ones meant for your soul’s body. From “Soulmate” to “Better In Color,” you would think Lizzo is singing to how your heart beats. She is hopeful that she can make you see your heart does not need to worry about its motions as much as its meaning; if to love yourself is to love others better then you should really work on loving yourself more.

Lizzo – Cuz I Love You (Official Video)

Cuz I Love You is s a record that makes listeners feel like stars, and puts them in a headspace where they are headlining their mind’s Coachella. It is cosmic in impact but physical in effect because Lizzo has aimed for universality. EVERYBODY NEEDS to feel better about themselves, and Lizzo has the vocal range and stylistic versatility to prove that self-empowerment also means self-expansion. The minute you give yourself respect as a person, your time begins to be spent as a creative. For More Information Lizzo Click Here.