Artist Close Up: Milk & Bone Will Turn Brooklyn Into Deception Bay

I hate when I am lied to, but I, especially, hate when I loved the lie more than the truth. How many times did someone tell you that you looked beautiful when you looked like a walking, horror film? How many times did a friend not tell you the truth about your behavior or rising gossip so as to protect your feelings? The truth is Deception Bay is a real place that we all have been marooned on, but Milk & Bone have created an album for it.

From its very beginning, the French electro-pop duo take you to a new place that sounds enticing but feels dangerous. Imagine someone literally asking you, “Do you want to go to Deception Bay?” There, nothing is as it seems, and lies are meant to be gorgeous and fill your head with dream-pop anthems such as,”NEVERMORE”, “Daydream”, and “The Flood”. Milk & Bone construct their songs to be rhythmic teases, taunts, and tantalizes like, a virtual paradise. You feel like you are in a vibrant, “pop version” of The Beach, where beauty crashes with brutishness.

“Sad Eyes”, “Faded”, and “BBBLUE” synth wave to enrapture listeners, while Camille Poliquin & Laurence Lafond-Beaulne harmonize their vocals to shoot upwards likes pink, champagne fizzles. This duo have cornered what it is to make heartbreak taste delicious and anxiety sound intriguing. In essence, they are not thematically different from most Millennial bands using music to reanalyze how humanity, particularly older generations, define success and joy. Yet, Milk & Bone make self-reflection sound sexy. They have, perhaps, created the greatest deception by making self-analysis sound like a confident, bubbly experience when it is what you do to get such thing, but not, necessarily feel them. Still, that does not mean they you will not feel like pink champagne when you see Milk & Bone perform on March 6 at Baby’s All Right. Click Here For More Information
